9 Easy ways to fix a stripped anchor hole with gorilla glue

How to fix a stripped anchor hole with gorilla glue

We are constantly faced with various problems, and one of them is stripped anchor holes. This can be a disappointment for you. But there is no reason to despair because you can solve it by using gorilla glue, and for that, you need proper instructions. We will try to give you an accurate guide on how to do it. Fix a stripped anchor hole with gorilla glue. Let us know it step by step.

Step 1: Necessary materials

Before fixing the stripped anchor holes, you need some basic tools. Make sure you are prepared with the materials. The materials are sorted. Gorilla glue, a screwdriver, anchors or screws, wooden dowels or toothpicks, a utility knife or sandpaper, and an old brush (if needed) First, read the steps thoroughly.

Step 2: Clean the anchor hole

Clean the anchor hole thoroughly. This is because the dust provides a stronger bond when you use the glue on it if you clean it off nicely. So clean well, and if necessary, use an old brush to complete the cleaning work.

Step 3: Prepare the wooden dowel or toothpick

If the hole is too deep, all you can do is fill it with a few fresh toothpicks or wooden dowels to make it stronger when you apply gorilla glue. After measuring the hole’s depth, take a toothpick or wooden dowel and insert it inside the hole. This will help you understand the correct size of the hole.

Step 4: Apply Gorilla Glue

fix a stripped anchor hole with gorilla glue

Once the wooden dowels or toothpicks are ready, you take them out and apply a small amount of gorilla glue to the dowels or toothpicks. Be careful not to use too much glue, because it expands as it cures.

Step 5: Use dowels or toothpicks

Use dowels or toothpicks to attach them to the stripped anchor holes, then press them down with your hands to secure them. After that, remove the excess glue with cotton.

Step 6: Wait for the glue to cure

This is a necessary step for fixing a stripped anchor hole with gorilla glue. The glue will be stronger the longer you let it dry, so you have to wait patiently. Follow the instructions on the glue packet and wait patiently. Ensure that the repair shop is protected during the expected period.

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Step 7: Trim the excess material

After the glue has completely dried, use a utility knife or sandpaper to trim any excess wood material or glue sticking out of the hole. and gently rub or squeeze off excess glue. Make sure the surface is smooth and level with the surrounding area.

Step 8: Drill a new pilot hole (optional)

If the original hole is completely stripped, you may need to drill a new pilot hole. Choose a drill bit slightly smaller than the anchor or screw you plan to use. Carefully drill a new hole in the filled area.

Step 9: Reinsert the anchor or screw

fix a stripped anchor hole with gorilla glue

Finally, insert the anchor or screw into the newly repaired hole. Gorilla glue and wood filler should provide a strong grip, preventing future stripping.

After fixing a stripped anchor hole with gorilla glue, some cautionary tips

I hope you can solve your problem after following the above steps, and you also need to be careful because if something is fixed, it may not work as before. However, you can shorten its lifespan by taking certain precautions. After fixing the hole, you use less because it has to be remembered as before, but not.

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If possible, clamp the area to ensure a tight bond while the glue cures. You also ensure that the screw you use to get the job done is appropriate for your job. You can use it for a long time if you follow some rules, like don’t apply con pressure after fixing the hole.


Your patience is the main thing in every work. You can fix a stripped anchor hole if you are patient and follow the steps correctly. This procedure provides a safe and long-lasting repair. Follow the above steps carefully to solve your problem quickly. thank you

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