What are the symptoms of diabetes

If you want to know about the symptoms of diabetes, then this article is for you. Nowadays, diabetes is a very common disease that affects more or less everyone, from young to old.

Nowadays, diabetes is a very common disease that affects more or less everyone, from young to old. and it has many symptomps

The main causes of diabetes can be heredity, obesity, an unhealthy diet, and irregular exercise. Let’s know the symptoms of diabetes

Table of Contents

1. What are the symptoms of diabetes

2. What are the symptoms of diabetes type 2

3. What are the symptoms of diabetes insipidus

4. What are the symptoms of diabetes mellitus

5. What are the symptoms of diabetes in children

6. Conclusion

What are the symptoms of diabetes

Basically, the body breaks down dietary sugars into sugar (glucose). A hormone called insulin, released from the pancreas, tells the body’s cells to take up sugar. This sugar acts as fuel or energy for the body. Diabetes occurs when the body cannot produce insulin or it does not work properly. And this causes sugar to accumulate in the blood.

Diabetes is basically a condition of the body due to which our body cannot produce insulin on its own, and the insulin produced does not work effectively in the body. As a result, blood sugar increases.

Diabetes is mainly of two types.

Diabetics Type one

Diabetics do not produce insulin in their bodies, so insulin must be given by injection.

Diabetics type two

Type 2 diabetics do not have to rely on injections to produce insulin in their bodies. It can be controlled through diet and daily exercise.

Many women are diagnosed with diabetes during pregnancy but do not develop it after childbirth. This type of complication is called gestational diabetes. Which is dangerous for both mother and child.

People at risk for diabetes include those with genetics, long-term use of steroid medications, those who are overweight, and those who do not exercise daily.

Common symptoms of these two types of diabetes are mentioned below:

1. Excessively hungry

2. Propensity to urinate excessively

3. Nausea

4. Frequent thirst

5. Blurred vision

6. Receding gums

7. Sensation of unpleasant odors

8. Rapid weight loss

9. Sweet food cravings

10. Tingling sensations in the hands and feet

11. Chest tension

12. Excessive hair loss

13. Body wounds do not dry quickly.

14. Irritability

15. Lack of moisture in the face

16. Feeling very tired at short notice

17. Pain in hands and feet

18. Decreased sexual energy.

These symptoms are basically the early symptoms of diabetes. If these symptoms appear, you must check whether you have diabetes. A doctor should be consulted if these symptoms occur in both young and old people. Diabetes is not completely curable. However, diabetes can be controlled with treatment and a healthy lifestyle.

What are the symptoms of diabetes type 2

2. Type 2 patients do not need to rely on insulin. It can be controlled through daily physical activity, dietary changes, and daily exercise. Type 2 diabetes is more common in people over 30 years of age. Let’s know the symptoms of type 2 diabetes:

1. Excessive thirst

2. Patients with type 2 diabetes often experience urinary urgency.

3. Type 2 diabetes causes weakness. It seriously weakens the body.

4. Numbness of hands and feet due to type 2 diabetes. Basically, it is nerve damage.

5. Type 2 diabetes causes dark spots on some parts of the skin.

6. Many people have frequent infections due to type 2 diabetes.

If the above symptoms appear, it should be understood that there is a possibility of type 2 diabetes.

What are the symptoms of diabetes insipidus

We know diabetes insipidus is a disorder of water balance and regulation. People with this disorder are always thirsty; even after drinking water, the body produces large amounts of urine, such as more than three liters per day for adults and two liters per day for children.

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Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus can occur soon after birth, usually due to genetics, which permanently destroys the kidney’s ability to concentrate urine. Usually, men are more affected by this disease. However, women can pass the disease gene on to their children.

Symptoms of diabetes insipidus include excessive urination, dry mouth, excessive thirst, dry eyes, fatigue, and a weak brain. Other possible symptoms are weight loss and problems with memory, focus, and concentration. Diabetes insipidus causes low blood pressure, headaches, a rapid heart rate, and a dry mouth. It also causes muscle spasms and confusion.

What are the symptoms of diabetes mellitus

Generally, diabetes mellitus is one of the most common endocrine diseases, characterized by chronic hyperglycemia. Hyperglycemic conditions lead to endothelial injury in blood vessels of various sizes, resulting in microangiopathy and macroangiopathy. The resulting nerve ischemia and hyperglycemia lead to nerve degeneration and generalized neuropathy, often affecting sensory peripheral nerves and the autonomic nervous system.

Diabetes mellitus is a condition where blood sugar levels are high. We know that blood sugar gives the body energy to function. In this condition, the body does not produce enough of the hormone insulin, causing blood sugar levels to rise. Let’s learn about the symptoms of diabetes mellitus.

Despite overeating, hunger may occur. Frequent urination causes the body to lose water quickly, resulting in thirst. Dry mouth and bad breath. Abnormal weight loss. Sweet food trend. Tingling sensation in hands and feet.

What are the symptoms of diabetes in children

Diabetes can usually occur anytime after birth. Diabetes rates are high in adults, but children are not exempt from diabetes. In most cases, there is a lack of social awareness about diabetes among children, and in many cases, the diagnosis is delayed. Below are the main symptoms of diabetes in children

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Some of the symptoms of this disease are excessive appetite, excessive thirst, frequent urination, growth problems in the baby, weight loss, chronic sores, unusual fatigue, dry skin, numbness or tingling in the feet, loss of concentration, and lack of motivation. Nausea, loss of vision, frequent vomiting, abdominal pain, etc. Many times, diabetes in children shows no symptoms, so children are hospitalized with seizures, abdominal pain, dehydration, and fainting, i.e., ketoacidosis. A doctor should be consulted if any of the above-mentioned symptoms occur.


Although diabetes is not a life-threatening disease, the potential for physical damage is high. Diabetes is basically an incurable disease, but it can be controlled by changing food habits and lifestyles. Doctors say high blood sugar can cause serious damage to blood vessels. If the blood cannot flow properly in the body and cannot reach the places where it is needed, the risk of nerve damage increases. As a result, people can lose their eyesight. Infection can occur in the legs. According to the World Health Organization, diabetes is a major cause of blindness, kidney failure, heart attack, stroke, etc.

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