Best Home Remedies for Cough: 15 Natural Solutions to Try

If you want to know about home remedies for coughs, then this article is for you. It is possible to get well by using some home remedies to cure physical ailments can help you get well. These ingredients, like lemon, ginger, basil leaves, and honey, are very useful for curing coughs. Homemade ingredients are mainly used for first aid

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15 Home remedies for coughs

Home remedies for coughing during pregnancy

Home remedies for children’s coughs


15 Home remedies for coughs

Let’s have a look at the home remedies for coughing:

  1. Honey and ginger juice are very effective in curing coughs at home. Mixing one spoon of honey with one spoon of ginger juice and taking it two to three times a day can cure coughs quickly. It is a very effective home remedy, especially for dry coughs.
  2. Tulsi leaves are a readily available ingredient. It is easily found on rooftops. A handful of juiced tulsi leaves is effective in curing cough.
  3. Gargling with a drop of salt mixed in a glass of warm water reduces the dryness of the throat and thus reduces the tendency to cough.
  4. In the morning, boil a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in a glass of water and drink it on an empty stomach!
  5. Mix one teaspoon of garlic juice with honey and eat it two to three times a day. It is a very effective home remedy for coughs.
  6. Boil tulsi leaves and ginger pieces in water to make tea, and drink it two to three times a day!
  7. Lemon tea is very effective for dry coughs. Drinking lemon juice in the morning and evening reduces coughing a lot.
  8. The habit of drinking coffee is very effective as a home remedy for coughs. A cup of coffee two to three times a day will provide a lot of relief from coughing.
  9. Mix one spoon of honey with one spoon of onion juice and eat it twice a day.
  10. Cardamom is a very effective home remedy for dry coughs. Keeping the cardamom in the mouth and sucking it will help to reduce throat dryness.
  11. Consuming a spoonful of aloe vera juice in the morning on an empty stomach is beneficial.
  12. A spoonful of mustard oil warmed and applied to the throat at night is beneficial for curing coughs.
  13. Mix a pinch of turmeric in a glass of hot milk and drink it.
  14. Mix one spoon of honey with one spoon of cinnamon and eat it 2 to 3 times a day.
  15. Garlic is rich in antioxidants. Can be eaten with a garlic wrap. Apart from this, garlic can be added to various dishes at home.

The above-mentioned home remedies are very effective in curing coughs. However, if the cough level is excessive, a doctor must be consulted.

Home remedies for coughing during pregnancy

It is best to try home remedies for coughs during pregnancy. Because additional medicine should not be taken during pregnancy, Homemade ingredients have no side effects. It also has the potential to heal quickly! Let’s know the ways to cure coughs during pregnancy with home remedies:

Honey has natural anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that help reduce coughing. Ginger contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help relieve sore throats and boost the immune system in a natural way. So if you have a tendency to cough during pregnancy, you should mix one spoonful of honey with one spoonful of ginger juice! Salt helps kill bacteria and eases throat discomfort, so gargle with salt mixed with warm water. It is a very effective way to reduce coughing. Ginger water is very good for those who have body aches from colds. Ginger tea is beneficial for colds. For those who have frequent colds, sore throats, or runny noses, milk tea, ginger juice, or ginger tea instead of coffee will work very well

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Taking steam from boiling hot water is very beneficial. Essentially, the steam from boiling hot water helps clear the airways and reduce mucus. It helps reduce dry coughs. You should drink a lot of lukewarm water. Which will help reduce dry throats and coughs. Ginger, cinnamon, and cardamom tea should be made and eaten. These spices have antibacterial properties that help reduce sore throats. Lemon contains vitamin C. Mixing lemon and hot water will help reduce coughing and boost the immune system.

The above-mentioned home remedies are very effective in reducing coughs. It is better not to take extra medicine during pregnancy. It is beneficial to take the above-mentioned home remedies according to the severity of the cough.

Home remedies for children’s coughs

Children suffer from various diseases, including colds and coughs, during the summer! Once it starts, a cold does not go away easily. Even if the cold gets better after taking medicine, the cough does not want to go away easily. Children suffer a lot because of this. Constant coughing is also very worrying. This can lead to throat problems, and excessive coughing can cause sleep problems in the child at night.

A child can get coughing for various reasons. A cough, for example, is a symptom of acid reflux. One of asthma’s symptoms is difficulty breathing while coughing, especially when the condition worsens at night.

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There are many medicines to cure cough, but home remedies for baby cough are side effects-free.

  1. The home remedy for baby coughs is to gargle with warm water. It will easily relieve coughs and sore throats. Gargling a glass of warm water with a little salt three times a day is very beneficial.
  2. Ginger is a great ingredient to get rid of colds and coughs. A piece of ginger mixed with honey is given to the child to cure coughs quickly.
  3. If there is a problem with coughing, the child should be fed hot soup repeatedly. It will alleviate the child’s cough and sore throat.
  4. Honey has anti-microbial properties. It helps fight colds. A spoonful of honey and a little lemon juice mixed with warm water should be fed to the baby, but honey should not be given to children under one year of age.


Home remedies are safe because they are natural, have fewer chemical side effects, and are readily available at a low cost. Apart from this, the home ingredient also helps boost the immune system. In ancient times, people gave more importance to domestic factors in cases of illness. Some home remedies have been prescribed since ancient times to cure coughs quickly. All the ingredients mentioned above are very effective for curing coughs.

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