How to plant a bonsai tree

If you want to know about how to plant a bonsai tree, then this article is for you. Bonsai means keeping trees in different types of tubs with their own characteristics while keeping their shape. Let’s learn how to plant bonsai trees in some effective ways.

If you want to know about how to plant a bonsai tree, then this article is for you. Bonsai means keeping trees in different types of tubs with their own characteristics while keeping their shape. Let's learn how to plant bonsai trees in some effective ways.

Table of Contents

1. How to Plant a Bonsai Tree

2. How to plant a bonsai tree from seeds

3. How to Plant a Bonsai Tree at Home

4. How to plant a bonsai tree in a pot

5. Conclusion

How to plant a bonsai tree

Today, bonsai has become an art form. Bansai is now very popular in populous urban civilizations. Just as other plants do not care about the health of flower and fruit plants, in bonsai cultivation, special importance is mainly given to the different shapes of the main stem and the shapes of the stems, leaves, and flowers.

First of all, the tree must be selected correctly. For this, it is better to choose fruits and forest trees. In this case, suitable trees are banyan, pakur, hijal, swathe, fig, pomegranate, kadam, neem, jamrul, tamarind, karamcha, and krishnachura.

To make bonsai, first of all, seedlings have to be made; usually, bonsai seedlings are collected from nurseries. Seedlings can also be collected by collecting seeds, but in the case of plants for which seeds are not available, they have to be propagated by vegetative methods.

Loamy soil is most effective for bonsai cultivation. Besides, compost manure, brick powder, sand, ash, burnt earth powder, etc. should be mixed in it. If possible, more cow dung manure and earthworm manure should be mixed in it to prepare the soil in such a way that the water drainage is good.

First, different types of bonsai need to be prepared separately. Organic fertilizers are most important in soil preparation. In all cases, dosh or silty soil is used. Making soil for bonsai tubs is very easy. Bonsai soil is made by mixing organic matter with mainly loam soil.

Now add compost to the loam soil: 1/2 kg bone powder, 50 grams; clay powder, 50 grams; brick powder, 130 grams; and wood ash, 75 grams.

Controlling the growth of trunks, roots, branches, and leaves is not enough to create bonsai. The young trees in the tub should try to bring the old trees growing in the lap of nature into a harmonious posture.

In this case, the form that will be given to the bonsai tree is to choose the shell. From the paired leaf cells, two branches grow on either side of the stem. One of them should be kept according to the selection process. If the lower one is placed on the right, the upper one should be placed on the left. Basically, the bonsai trunk form will have no branches in front. There should be branches only to the right and left and also towards the head of the trunk.

The selected thick branches should be cut with a sharp weapon. The tool that should be used for this is called concave cutting pliers, depending on the type of cutting. The bark grows around the cut and quickly covers it.

One of the artificial methods used to bring the trunk or branch into a beautiful, harmonious posture is the dam. Thick wire is needed for the trunk and thin wire for the branches. Usually, copper wire is used for this purpose.

It should be remembered that the tree becomes quite weak due to its involvement.

So after its opening, the plant should be kept in shade or light shade for a week.

Some tools and some things are required for making bonsai trees, like a spade, knife, spring, bucket, saw, pot, half drum, steel or plastic tray, spray machine, loamy soil, rotted dry cow dung, sand brick pit, etc.

The growth of the trunk, roots, branches, and leaves should be controlled. Try to bring the posture of the old tree to the young plants in the tub.

Pruning is required at 3–4 years of age. Selected thick branches should be pruned with a sharp weapon.

Mainly, three things are very important to do bonsai: size of pan soil, sapling, relentless patience, scientific research, and sheer perseverance.

Only then will the bonsai be able to create a living sculpture. Sorghum, lemon cycads, bots, sedges, bamboos, Christmas trees, etc. are also used for bonsai.

How to plant a bonsai tree from seeds

Various methods of materials and other details of plastic mesh are required before making bonsai. After that, coarse-grain soil should be added from the bottom of the pot. There is no need to give it any shape.

The same fine-grain sieved soil should be spread evenly on the soil layer by two centimeters. Place the seeds on top of it and spread it 1 cm high in fine soil on the seeds; the distance between each seed should be 4 to 5 cm.

Then sprinkle water very carefully so as not to wash away the soil. Now cover with a glass or a close plate and keep the seed sheet aside. The glass cover should be seen every morning and evening. Lightly water the seed pot before exposing it to sunlight.

In this way, when the seeds germinate and the leaves start to emerge, the glass lining should be removed completely. The seed container should be kept in a light, sunny climate. Seeds should never be kept in the sun. It will gradually harden the seedling. Seedlings should be protected from diseases, insects, and birds. When the seedlings grow and fill the pot with leaves, it is necessary to thin the plant and plant it in another pot.

After watering the plants, the weak plants should be uprooted, and the healthy and vigorous plants should be carefully transplanted to another path with potting soil. When planting plants in a second container, it is extremely important that the soil mix is lightly fertilised.

After some time of planting, the plant should be placed in a shaded place with the pot. When the plant is planted in the ground, it should be gradually sunned and watered. And this is how bonsai trees can be planted from seeds.

How to plant a bonsai tree at home

Nowadays, bonsai has gained quite a reputation as an art. Earlier, bonsai was done commercially, but now many do it as a hobby. Bonsai can be done in many ways. However, bonsai trees can be planted very nicely at home. There are some steps to follow to plant bonsai at home.

First of all, you have to select the preferred tree on which the bonsai can be done. Many types of trees are suitable for monsoons, but some popular options include sakura pine, maple, etc. Basically, when choosing a tree for bonsai, its size and care will dominate.

Then select a suitable container. The pot should be selected depending on the size and species of the plant. But the container must have good drainage.

The selected plant should be planted in new soil. When planting in new soil, shake off as much of the old soil as possible.

The plant planted in the ground should be watered properly. Bonsai plants need regular watering. But excess water is harmful to it. If the soil is dry, water must be given.

Then the planted tree should be fertilised as needed. Generally, bonsai plants need to be fertilised a few times a year. While selecting the sire, one should select one suitable for the species of bonsai tree.

Care of the bonsai tree should be kept in mind; the tree should be kept away from pests and excess sunlight. So it is possible to plant bonsai trees at home very easily with proper care.

How to plant a bonsai tree in a pot

Planting a bonsai tree in a container is an art form that takes time and patience. There are some basic steps to planting bonsai trees in containers.

When planting trees in containers, the right trees must be selected. Because not all trees are suitable for bonsai.

When planting bonsai in containers, you must choose the right container. The pot should be shallow and wide, with drainage holes at the bottom. The size of the pot should be proportionate to the plant. Because the plant takes up about two-thirds of the pot’s diameter.

The soil in this pot should be prepared. A well-draining soil in the monsoon field allows air and water to reach the roots.

The selection of trees should consider mature size, climate harshness, and shade tolerance.

When everything is ready, we have to prepare the tree. Remove the plant from its nursery pot, gently pull out the roots, trim any long or damaged roots, and place the plant in a bright location.

The bonsai plant should be watered regularly in such a way that the soil is kept moist but not soggy. Prune as necessary to maintain the shape of the tree.

If the above steps are followed correctly, the bonsai tree can be planted in the container very easily. A precaution is to refill the pot every few years as the plant’s roots grow. Water should be given in such a way that excess rots the roots. Bonsai trees can live a long time with proper care.


Bonsai is a living art. Bonsai is the art of keeping a tree with a strong trunk in a small pot to keep it alive for years. The history of bonsai trees is very old. The Japanese have practiced genealogy by hand for hundreds of years. Centuries of bonsai practice have now become a living art.

Bonsai is a unique work of art, but this art is alive. This is the only difference between forestry and other inanimate industries. So we should plant more and more bonsai trees.

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