7 proven ways to fix an ingrown toenail

How to Fix an Ingrown Toenail

Every part of our body is important to us. If we are physically exposed to any problem, it becomes a cause of discomfort for us. We are constantly facing various physical problems. One of them is an ingrown toenail. It usually refers to the corner or edge of the toenail growing into the soft flesh of the foot. Sometimes it is also caused by various infections. But by following a proper guide, you can solve your problem. No need to worry, today we are going to tell you how to fix an ingrown toenail. Let’s find out.

Step 1: Identify the problem

Take good care of your toenails. Check carefully which nail is causing your pain or which nail has this ingrown problem. Before treating any problem or disease, it is important to check it thoroughly.

Step 2: Soak your feet in warm water

This is an important step in the treatment of ingrown toenails. This is mainly done to soften the skin around your infected toenail. Take lukewarm water to do this. Fill a pot with water. Do not overheat; it will damage your skin. For that, take warm water and add a small amount of 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt or antibacterial soap to it. Then soak your affected feet for 15-20 minutes. Do this process 2 to 3 times a day.

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Step 3: Gently lift the nail

Fix an Ingrown Toenail

Once the skin on the four sides of the toenail has softened, you can gently and carefully try to remove the embedded part of the nail from the skin. But remember not to try to force anything. Wash your hands thoroughly. Then use a small toothpick. Gently lift the corner of the ingrown toothpick and place a small piece of cotton or dental floss under the edge. Change the cotton or floss daily to keep the affected area clean

Step 4: Apply an antibiotic ointment

It is best to apply an antibiotic ointment. Because it will protect against infection. Especially if the skin is bleeding or there is a possibility of a sad effect due to any dirt, then the ointments will help you to avoid it. Apply the ointment gently and use a bandage to keep it clean. However, the bandage should be changed regularly.

Step 5: Wear the right shoes

Your used shoes can make a big difference in healing an ingrown toenail. Too tight shoes that put pressure on your toes can make foot conditions worse, so it’s important to choose footwear that will keep your toes comfortable. for open-toed shoes or sandals until your toe heals. If you must wear closed shoes, make sure they are wide and have enough room for your toes to move comfortably. However, it is best to avoid closed shoes until the foot problem is resolved.

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Step 6: Trim your nails properly

There are many people who don’t remember to trim their toenails due to busy schedules but can’t do it. Use a clean nail trimmer and trim nails regularly. Avoid cutting them too short, and don’t round the corners, as this can lead to ingrown nails.

Step 7: Know when to see a doctor

After following the above methods, if you are not able to fix the ingrown toenail or if your foot becomes swollen or the pain becomes severe, then you should consult a proper doctor. But you will observe for a few days by adopting the above methods. If you notice improvement in your leg, hopefully it’s on the way to healing. But if you don’t notice improvement, your next step is to see a doctor. Some serious symptoms may occur, like redness, discharge of pus, etc.

Here are some top tips to avoid ingrown toenails

Fix an Ingrown Toenail

When you are able to fix your ingrown nails, you need to be careful not to let the problem reoccur. For that you need to be aware of all the things. Be straight when trimming nails. Avoid doing these things when you are busy with work, talking with someone, or listening to music. And avoid cutting nails too short. Do not wear tight shoes, as it is harmful to your feet. Always wear comfortable shoes. Keep your feet clean and dry regularly to avoid infection.

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I hope you know how to fix an ingrown nail. You take the necessary steps with awareness. When this problem is caught on the feet, taking quick action can fix ingrown toenails at home. If the symptoms are severe, then we advise you to consult a professional doctor. thank you

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