7 Simple Ways to Fix Gum Damage Naturally

How to fix gum damage

Physical problems are a constant presence in our lives. They make us uncomfortable. One of the problems is gum disease. But there is no reason to despair; today we will tell you how to fix gum damage. Let’s learn it step by step.

Step 1: Understand the causes of gum disease

Before fixing something, you need to observe it properly. You first need to understand why your gums are causing the problem. There are several factors in it, such as:

Gum disease (periodontitis):

This is a primary cause of gum recession and can further damage your teeth if left untreated.

Aggressive brushing:

Many of us make this mistake. When we are in a hurry or busy, we brush vigorously to save time, but we don’t even know how much it harms us. Brushing too hard can damage gum tissue over time.

Poor oral hygiene:

Neglecting to brush and floss can lead to plaque buildup, which contributes significantly to gum problems and discomfort.

Hormonal changes:

Hormonal fluctuations can make gums more sensitive and prone to recession.

Tobacco use:

Smoking or chewing tobacco can weaken the gums. If you have this tendency, try to avoid it gradually.


Some people are more prone to receding gums due to family history. Many families have this problem in their ancestors at a young age, which can cause it in the current generation.

Step 2: Practice proper oral hygiene

Your main step in fixing your gums is to develop a positive and healthy habit. This will help keep your gums healthy. Here’s what you need to do to create a beautiful habit.

When brushing, take your time and be patient. Because teeth are an important thing for us. Choose a brush that is soft and flexible, depending on the brush you use to clean your teeth. If the brush is hard, it is also a disadvantage for you. Moreover, you can develop the habit of using mouthwash. Because it can destroy the bacteria inside your mouth.

Step 3: Adjust your lifestyle habits

Your daily life habits need a little change. But not all kinds of habits. You need to get rid of some bad habits and add some good habits that will help in repairing the gum damage in your face. All you can do is above. We once said that smoking is bad for teeth and gums, which harm us. So abandon it. Adding some foods to your diet, such as foods rich in vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin C and omega-3 fatty acids, can strengthen gum tissue. Drink plenty of water every day to keep your mouth clean and prevent bacteria from growing.

Step 4: Try natural remedies

How to fix gum damage

There are some natural remedies that can rejuvenate your gums and help the gum tissue to grow. For example, the tasks you can do are:

Oil pulling:

Swishing coconut or sesame oil on your face for 10-15 minutes can help reduce bacteria and inflammation.

Aloe Vera:

Aloe vera is noted for its natural healing properties. Aloe vera gel can be applied directly to the gums to reduce inflammation and promote healing.

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Green Tea:

Drinking green tea is believed to support gum health due to its antioxidant properties.

Rinse in salt water:

Rinsing your mouth with a mixture of warm water and salt can help soothe inflamed gums and kill bacteria.

Step 5: Visit a dentist for professional treatment

You have to follow this step carefully. If you notice that your gum pain or gum damage is getting worse, then you should consult a professional. Because teeth are sensitive things. After many people get major diseases due to teeth, teeth are related to eyes, so don’t neglect it.

Step 6: Use medicine and a mouthguard

In some cases, medication may be given to help treat gum disease. Which will work for you, and if you consult a professional, he can also give you some medicine. Types of drugs can be:

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If there is an infection, antibiotics may be needed to kill the bacteria and prevent further gum recession, which will prevent your gum problem from going any deeper.

Medicated mouthwash:

Prescription-strength mouthwash can help reduce bacteria and inflammation. You have learned that it must be a regular habit.


If you grind your teeth (bruxism), using a mouthguard can protect your gums from further damage.

How to fix gum damage

Here are some top tips to prevent gum damage in your mouth

Take care of your face regularly. See if you are facing any issues. A variety of problems can arise. For example, bleeding from the mouth, swelling of the mouth, etc. You should not underestimate these problems, because neglecting them can do you more harm.

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So you should get your mouth checked regularly, or 2-3 times a year. And keeping in mind what we’ve already said about the toothbrush, it’s also essential to keep an eye on your toothpaste. If you experience sensitivity, use toothpaste made for sensitive teeth, which can help protect exposed roots, etc. If you maintain these things, chances of gum problems are very low.


We have provided a proper guide on how you can fix your gum damage and hope you have a good understanding of it as well. Now it is your responsibility to follow these things well. And remember, if your problem is serious, contact a professional

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