10 best juice recipes for health

If you want to know about the best juice recipes for health, then this article is for you. Everyone eats more or less fruits to keep the body healthy. But juicing them can provide direct benefits. Many diseases can be prevented. Various physical problems can be kept away. Let’s learn about the best fruit juice recipes for health.

If you want to know about the best juice recipes for health, then this article is for you. Everyone eats more or less fruits to keep the body healthy. But juicing them can provide direct benefits. Many diseases can be prevented. Various physical problems can be kept away. Let's learn about the best fruit juice recipes for health.

Table of Contents

1.  The best juice recipes for health

2. Healthy juice recipes for weight loss

3. Healthy vegetable juice recipes

4. The best fruit juice for health

5. conclusion

The best juice recipes for health

Not all fruit juices are good for your health. However, some fruit juices are beneficial for health. That too, for various reasons. Consuming such fruit juices not continuously will bring benefits, but drinking them at different times will provide relief. Let’s see some juice recipes for health. 

1.Orange chiller

Ingredients: malt 1, water (1/2 cup), lemon juice (one tablespoon), sugar (two tablespoons), beet salt (one pinch), and ice cubes as desired.

Method: Peel the Malta, cut it into cubes, and blend it. Mix water, sugar, lemon juice, and a bit of salt and shake it. Fill a glass with ice cubes, pour orange juice, and serve.

2. Watermelon juice

Ingredients: watermelon cubes, two cups; sugar, one tablespoon; lemon juice, one tablespoon; lemon leaves, 2/3; salt to taste; ice cubes, 8/10.

Method: Blend the watermelon cubes and strain to extract the juice. Mix with sugar, lemon juice, and salt. Tear the lemon leaves. Serve with ice cubes.

3. Raw mango is cold.

Ingredients: 2 raw mangoes cut into cubes, 750 grams of water, 3 green chilies,  2/3 cup sugar or as per taste, salt (1/5 teaspoon), beet salt (1 teaspoon), green food color (a few drops as desired), crushed ice (1/5 cup).

Method: Mix raw mango, chili, and water together and strain. Mix with sugar and salt. Refrigerate and chill. Mix food color and crushed ice and serve delicious sour-sweet-raw mango juice.

4. Banana peels

Ingredients: one cup of puffed rice, one cup of milk cooled by burning, 1 ripe banana, one cup of curd, sugar (1/2 cup), two tablespoons of honey, one pinch of salt, and 15 ice cubes.

Method: Blend puffed rice, milk, curd, banana, sugar, honey, and salt together. Blend again with ice cubes and serve chilled.

5. Strawberry and lemon juice

Ingredients: two cups of strawberries, half a cup of sugar, half a spoonful of salt, one cup of water, and as much ice as lemon juice.

Method: Strawberries should be cut into pieces. Now blend the rest of the ingredients well in a blender. Serve chilled juice with ice cubes.

6. Blackberry juice

Ingredients: a cup of blackberries, a cup of water, a tablespoon of sugar, as much salt, a spoonful of lemon juice, half a green pepper, and chopped mint leaves.

Method: Take out the seeds of the blackberry. Blend all the remaining ingredients together. After blending, serve chilled with crushed ice.

7. Ice cream orange drink

Ingredients: 2 cups of cold water, 4 tablespoons of orange juice powder, 1 cup of chocolate ice cream, sugar to taste, 2 cups of cold pineapple juice, and a pinch of salt.

Method: Blend the juice powder, ice cream, sugar, and salt in a blender with water and mix the pineapple juice. Now pour it into a glass and serve it cold.

8. Gourd juice

Gourd is a vegetable that is low in calories and high in fiber, making it an ideal food for weight loss. It helps keep your stomach full for longer.

How to prepare: Blend together 1 cup of gourd, 1 cup of pineapple, 1 cup of orange, 1 cup of cucumber, some mint, and coriander leaves. You can add a little water as needed. If you want, you can strain this juice and drink it.

9. Amla juice

Amla juice is alkaline in nature and helps to strengthen the digestive system, thereby improving our metabolism. It also helps flush out toxins from our bodies.

How to prepare: Blend one cup of amla (seedless), a pinch of salt, roasted cumin powder, and mint or coriander leaves together with one and a half cups of water. Strain and drink.

10. Pear juice

Ingredients: ripe guava, two tablespoons of sugar, 1/2 teaspoon of beet salt, 1 green chili, two cups of water, and 8/10 ice cubes.

method; guava should be cut into pieces. Guava and green chili should be blended with water and strained. Add sugar, beat salt, and mix. Finally, serve with ice cubes.

the above-mentioned juice recipes will help you keep your health good. Every one of us needs to know some juice recipes for health.


Healthy juice recipes for weight loss

Juicing speeds up the weight-loss process. Apart from this, drinking fresh juice adds minerals, vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants to the body. There are many types of juice recipes for health control and weight loss. Let’s learn about the best juice recipes for health and weight loss.

1) Cucumber juice

Cucumber is a vegetable that is mostly water. It is very low in calories, making it a good food for weight loss. Making cucumber juice keeps the water and fiber in the stomach full for a long time. As a result, I eat less and lose weight.

2) Karalla juice

Drinking raw, bitter gourd juice can be very unpleasant. But it is very useful in reducing belly fat. This juice can reduce weight by several kg. Regular consumption of karalla juice keeps the liver healthy and helps reduce fat. Apart from this, karalla is very low in calories. It also helps in weight loss.

3) Amla juice

Amla boosts metabolism and aids in digestion. Boosting metabolism is essential for rapid weight loss. Adding some honey to this juice can help. It keeps the body fresh throughout the day. To increase the taste of this juice, you can mix pepper powder, lemon juice, ginger juice, and honey with it.

4) grapes

2 cups of green grapes, 1/4 teaspoon of pepper powder

Salt to taste, 1/4 teaspoon turmeric powder, 1/4 teaspoon beet salt, 2 teaspoons powdered sugar, and 2 teaspoons lemon juice Blend these ingredients together in a blender to make a delicious green grape juice. By following these juice recipes, it will be much tastier.

5) Lemon juice

Sugar-free lemonade helps keep kidney stones at bay. Regular consumption of lemon mixed with water will help remove kidney stones. and lose weight. This is the best juice recipe for health. You can drink these juices along with a regular, healthy diet and exercise.

6) carrot, mixed juice

Mix a few pieces of apple, six pieces of orange, and half a piece of ginger with a carrot and grind it well. This detox drink is very good for the body. Even weight loss is fast.

7) Tomato juice

Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C, calcium, and iron; drinking a glass of tomato juice keeps the body fresh and vibrant throughout the day. Tomatoes overwhelm the taste buds in our mouth, resulting in a loss of taste, which also leads to weight loss.

The above-mentioned juice recipes for health and weight loss play a very important role in our lives. so we must include a glass of juice in our daily diet.

Healthy vegetable juice recipes

Nutritionists have shared a green vegetable juice recipe that will work fast to brighten your skin. Let’s know about vegetable juice recipes for health.

1.green vegetables

Green leafy vegetables contain a variety of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, vitamin C, folate, potassium, iron, and zinc. Choose green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, broccoli, mustard greens, romaine lettuce, Chinese cobra watercress, and parsley. Every day.

Green vegetable juice tastes bitter and somewhat unpleasant. Juice can be “sweetened” with sweet or slightly fermented fruits such as apples, kiwis, or mangoes. You can use honey. To make it tasty and nutritious, you can add protein intake from milk or yogurt.

2. Tomatoes

You are certainly no stranger to tomato juice. Tomatoes are rich in vitamin A and vitamin C, so they are good for health.

Tomatoes also have a natural yeasty sweetness, so you don’t need to add more fruit to sweeten them. Although you want it, it is not forbidden to add, for example, lemon or apple.

3. Carrots

Carrots are a type of vegetable that can be served in any form, be it soup, freshly roasted, or juiced. In fact, those who eat it directly do not do so repeatedly. Because of their sweet taste, carrots are popular.

Carrots not only have a good taste, but they are also good for the eyes because they are high in vitamin A and various minerals that the body needs. To make it more delicious, you can mix it with other fruits according to taste.

4. Celery juice

Maybe celebrity juice sounds weird to you, but it shows that green vegetables have health benefits, as they are rich in magnesium and iron. Women come into their periods when it is very suitable to consume juice, as it can help to maintain the iron content of the body.

5. Spinach and sajne leaf juice


A handful of bay leaves, a handful of spinach, a few amlaki peeled, 1 inch of ginger, a handful of coriander leaves, 1 lemon, and 1 teaspoon of cumin

Prepared system

Blend all the ingredients except the lemon in a blender with enough water.

Stir well with a spoon to extract the juice, and discard the remaining portion. Mix lemon juice into the juice. Finally, add salt. This green juice is one of the most beneficial juices.

6. Various leaf juices 


Thankooni leaves, coriander leaves, mint leaves, lettuce leaves, spinach, tulsi leaves, 3–4 amla, ginger, a little cumin, salt (as needed), lemon juice, honey, or jaggery (optional).

Prepared system

You can soak the leaves in water for 3 to 4 hours. Blend ginger leaves and amla very well with a glass of water. Blend intermittently to blend well. Strain the liquid through a strainer or fine cloth to separate the remaining juice and leaves. You can add lemon juice and some Himalayan salt or bit salt to enhance the taste of the juice.

7. Delicious Cabbage Lettuce Juice 


2 large cabbage leaves, 1 lettuce leaf, 1 handful of fresh parsley, 1 large fresh apple, peeled and diced, and 2 lemons, zested

Prepared system

Wash all the ingredients very well. Peel and cut them into small pieces so that they can be easily pureed into a paste in a juicer. Now blend it well with enough water. Once blended, strain the juice through a strainer. This juice is very tasty. So drink it immediately, without delay.

More Benefits of Vegetable Juice Recipes for Health Green juice made from many green leaves cleanses the blood, prevents cancer, increases blood circulation, improves the immune system, brightens the skin, and many more. So, we have to know many juice recipes for health.

The best fruit juice for health

Fruit juice is a very convenient way to consume fruits. Extracting the juice from the fruit destroys vitamins and potassium. Plus, fruit juice can be low in nutrients and antioxidants and high in sugar and calories. However, some fruit juices are very beneficial. Let’s know the fruit juice recipes for health.

1. Carrots, ginger, and apples

Many drink only carrot or apple juice. Instead, drink a mixture of carrot, ginger, and apple. It should be consumed at least once a week.

2. Cucumber and apple

Blend one or two cucumbers and a small apple in a blender. Cucumber is 90% water. It hydrates and cools the body naturally. Cucumbers also contain magnesium, potassium, and silica, which help increase the glow of the skin.

3. Carrots, spinach, and apples

Two carrots, two cups of spinach, one apple, one cucumber, and one inch of ginger should be made into fruit juice. Carrots contain vitamins A, C, D, and folic acid. It also contains potassium, sodium, magnesium, and copper. Its antioxidant content reduces acne-prone skin.

4. Grapefruit juice

Blend half the grapefruit juice, half the cup of blueberries, and half the cup of cold green tea together in a blender to make juice. It slows down our metabolism. and provides working power.

5. Pineapple, apple, and watermelon

Watermelon, pineapple, and apple should be made into juice together in a blender. It helps remove excess water from the body.

6. Bitter gourd, banana, and milk

Bitter gourd is beneficial for health. But many people cannot eat bitter gourd due to its bitter taste. They can make juice by blending bitter gourd, banana, and milk together in a blender. It will reduce the bitterness of bitter gourds. It will also help to reduce excess heat.

7. Grapefruit juice

Grapefruit juice contains anthocyanins and antioxidants. A study found that people who consumed grape juice regularly for at least twelve weeks had a significant improvement in their memory.

Consuming fruit juices continuously will provide benefits, but drinking them at intervals provides relief. We know fruit juice recipes for health are easy to make and more beneficial.


Generally, nutritionists recommend eating at least 5–6 kinds of fruits and vegetables a day by juicing and maintaining the quality of vegetables and fruits. Juice helps to bring radiance to the skin due to its nutritional value. In the whole article, there are many juice recipes for health. What you say is easy and delicious to drink.

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