17 Effect of alcohol on the body

If you want to know about the effects of alcohol on the body, then this article is for you. We know that alcohol consumption can lead to depression, stroke, high blood pressure, hepatitis, and cirrhosis, to name a few, among many other serious health conditions.

We know that alcohol consumption can lead to depression, stroke, high blood pressure, hepatitis, and cirrhosis, to name a few, among many other serious health conditions.

Every alcoholic drink is linked to some form of cancer. The more alcohol you drink, the higher your cancer risk. Let’s learn about the effects of alcohol on the body.

Table of Contents

1. Effects of alcohol on the body

2. Effect of alcohol on the body, short-term

3. Effect of alcohol on the body, long-term

4. Effect of alcohol on body water

5. Conclusion 

Effects of alcohol on the body

Alcohol is basically an intoxicating substance that causes symptoms of various physical ailments due to its consumption. This alcohol is a poison that slowly damages all the organs in the body. Let’s learn about the harmful effects of alcohol consumption on the body.

01 Alcohol has a direct and indirect role in the origin of 01 neurological diseases and about 200 diseases in the human body!

02: Alcohol causes cancer—70% of people do not know this!

03 Alcohol usually begins to be absorbed by the mucous membrane of the mouth before going down the throat and finally entering the liver in the bloodstream! Liver enzymes break down alcohol.

04 One of the functions of the liver is to absorb poisons from the body and take them out; alcohol is one of those poisons! But the breakdown in the liver is not complete; it reaches other organs too! Gallbladder, muscles, and bones until its “poisonous effect”!

intestines, liver, gall bladder, muscles, and alcohol are the main shocks to the brain! Judgment is blunted, cognition is distorted, and the ability to concentrate or make decisions is reduced.

06. After the initial pleasure of drinking alcohol wears off, later feelings of depression and aggression intensify! After a night of drinking, the pain of a ‘hangover’ in the morning is a natural process of nerve release from its toxic effects!

07. Accidents and violence under the influence of alcohol take the life of a person every 10 seconds! 3.3 million people died because of alcohol!

Alcohol reaches the brain within 6 minutes of being absorbed into the body! People who do not have the alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme in their body will show signs of increased blood flow; their faces will turn red!

09. Ethyl alcohol is a small molecule that is easily mixed with water, and the water content of our blood is over 70%. The overall amount of water in the human body is 70–80%! So alcohol can easily be transported throughout the body!

10. Alcohol will affect the neurotransmitters in the brain! So the wrong transmission can occur, which can cause lasting damage to the nerves!

11. Vitamins and other minerals and trace elements that play a major role in the central nervous system—long-term alcohol consumption can render these vitamins and trace elements useless!

12. The brain needs vitamin B-1. If this is lost due to alcohol consumption, Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome may occur.

13. Liver cirrhosis is very normal! This is where the breakdown of alcohol begins, producing toxins that damage the liver.

14. Alcohol acts as a depressant on the central nervous system, resulting in feelings of relaxation and decreased inhibition. As a person drinks more, they may slur their speech, become unsteady on their feet, and even pass out.

15. impairs judgment and motor skills, which can lead to accidents and risky behavior.

16. Alcohol is a diuretic, meaning it causes the body to lose more fluid than it takes in. It can cause dehydration, especially when consumed in large quantities.

17. Alcohol can increase heart rates, which can be harmful to people with heart problems.

Alcohol consumption is very harmful to our bodies. The harmful aspects of alcohol consumption have been mentioned above. It is understood that alcohol is a poison that hinders our physical activity. The harmful effects of alcohol consumption have been mentioned above.

Effects of alcohol on the body in the short term

Generally, some alcohols can cause blindness because they contain a toxic substance called methanol. Methanol is metabolized in the body to form two toxic substances: formaldehyde and formic acid. These toxins damage the nerves in the eye, which can cause blindness. Let us know about the harmful effects of alcohol consumption on the body.

1. Methanol-containing alcohols are usually found in impure or illegally produced alcohols. These alcohols are often made with low-quality ingredients and chemicals.

2. Headache, nausea, vomiting, and vision problems

3. Central Nervous System Depressants: Alcohol acts as a depressant on the central nervous system, resulting in feelings of relaxation and decreased inhibition.

4. Impaired judgment and motor skills: Alcohol impairs judgment and motor skills, which can lead to accidents and risky behavior.

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5. Dehydration: Alcohol is a diuretic, meaning it causes the body to lose more fluid than it takes in. It can cause dehydration, especially when consumed in large quantities.

6. Increased heart rate: Alcohol can increase the heart rate, which can be harmful for people with heart problems.

These symptoms may appear within hours or days after drinking. If you think you have drunk alcohol containing methanol, it is important to get medical help immediately. These are basically the short-term, harmful effects of alcohol consumption on the body.

Effect of alcohol on the body long-term

Alcoholism is a term used to describe the most severe problem of drinking to a level that harms health. It describes a strong, often uncontrollable, desire to drink. Let’s learn about the long-term effects of alcohol on the body.

1. Alcohol can increase heart rates, which can be harmful to people with heart problems.

2. Liver damage: The liver is the main organ responsible for breaking down alcohol, and heavy drinking can produce toxins that can damage the liver.

3. Increased risk of certain cancers: Alcohol consumption is associated with an increased risk of certain cancers, including mouth, esophagus, liver, and breast cancer.

4. Brain damage: Excessive alcohol consumption can cause brain damage and brain changes that can cause memory and learning problems.

5. Nutritional deficiencies: Alcohol interferes with the absorption of certain vitamins and minerals, which can lead to nutritional deficiencies.

6. Mental health problems: Alcohol can cause depression and anxiety, as well as other mental health problems.

Blindness from methanol-containing alcohol is a serious health problem. Awareness and precautions are important to prevent this.

It is important to remember that, while moderate alcohol consumption may have some benefits, excessive alcohol consumption can have serious health consequences. Guidelines set by the World Health Organization recommend limiting alcohol consumption to no more than 1 drink per day for women and 2 drinks per day for men. These are basically the long-term harmful effects of alcohol consumption on the body.

Effect of alcohol on body water

Drinking alcohol oxidizes 95 percent of the liver. This means the liver converts alcohol into water and carbon monoxide. The liver can oxidize only one unit of alcohol per hour.

Most alcohol must be broken down (metabolized) by the liver to be removed from the system. The liver metabolizes alcohol at a very constant rate, about one drink per hour. If there is excess alcohol in the blood, the liver cannot speed up the detoxification process. Alcohol significantly affects blood sugar levels, causing a yo-yo effect. Alcohol initially raises blood sugar levels, but after the body processes the alcohol, blood sugar levels drop dramatically.

Alcohol is known to be inflammatory, and excessive consumption can increase inflammation of the prostate, which can increase urinary frequency and urgency.

If a person is drunk and wants to sober up, they can eat food if they can keep it down, and they should drink water. Water helps dilute alcohol in the body, while food helps slow the body’s absorption of alcohol. Knowing the harmful effects of alcohol, we should not consume it.


The harmful effects of alcohol depend largely on the amount of alcohol consumed. Alcohol is a poison that easily inhibits physical activity. Alcohol consumption causes various physical ailments. To avoid the harmful effects of alcohol, drinking should be prohibited. Alcohol consumption has harmful effects on the brain, heart, respiratory system, and other body organs. The entire article discusses the harmful effects of alcohol consumption.

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