9 easy ways to fix a broken plastic bracelet

How to fix a broken plastic bracelet

We have some things that are our daily companions and dear to us. One of these is a bracelet. We almost always keep it with us or use it. However, it frequently breaks for a variety of reasons. There is no need to panic today. In this article, I am here to tell you how you can fix your broken plastic bracelet and restore it to its former glory. Step by step, let us know.

Step 1: Ensure the necessary equipment

To repair the bracelet, you need the right materials. This will make your work easier. Tools needed to fix a broken bracelet are a soft cotton swab, sandpaper, a toothpick or small brush, a table lamp, super glue, or plastic glue.

Step 2: Clean the broken ends

Carefully remove the broken part of the plastic first, and try to do these tasks in bright light; if necessary, use a table lamp. Then, start cleaning the broken edge of the bracelet. If any dirt or dust accumulates, clean it using a soft cloth or a brush. If you fasten the broken part of the plastic in it, the fastness will be completed in a very strong way.

Step 3: Observe the broken plastic edge

If the bracelet’s broken plastic part has uneven edges, smooth them. But before that, you need to observe it well in bright light. If you can confirm that the edges are uneven, gently smooth them using sandpaper.

Step 4: Apply glue

This step is very important to fix a broken plastic bracelet, so follow it very well to make your broken bracelet look like before. Grab a tube of superglue before you put on rubber gloves to protect your hands from the glue and ensure your safety. Apply a small amount of superglue or plastic glue to one of the broken ends. Use a toothpick or a small brush for precision. Avoid using too much glue, as it can ooze out and make a mess.

Step 5: Press the pieces together

After applying glue to the broken parts of the plastic, line them up and gently press them together to form a strong bond. Hold this for at least 30–45 seconds.

Step 6: Drying the applied glue

Your next step in fixing a broken plastic bracelet is to let the glue dry thoroughly. Follow the instructions for the glue you are using for this, but super glues dry in minutes. After you apply the glue, put the bracelet in a safe and airy place to dry it well.

Step 7: Clean off excess glue

fix a broken plastic bracelet

Make sure that the adhesive used on the broken part of the plastic has dried well. Your next step is to observe it closely to see if any excess glue has stuck to the bracelet. If you notice that there is any excess glue, gently remove it using sandpaper. Be careful not to damage the surface of the bracelet.

Step 8: Test the repair

Repairing your broken bracelet is almost done; now it’s time to test it. You wear it slowly, and if you see it working as before, then you are done. If not, you will need to reapply the glue and repeat the process.

Some extra care after fixing a broken bracelet

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You’ll notice that it looks like your old self, but it’s much weaker than before. So it should be used carefully. It’s okay to wear it and remove it gently, without force. Reduce the use of bracelets compared to earlier. Do not apply pressure to the fractured area. Do not remove the bracelet or leave it in an unsafe location. If you follow them, you can use your broken bracelet for a long time, even after repairing it.


When the things we love are lost, we feel sad. You can fix your broken plastic bracelet by following the steps shown above. You have to make sure that you carry out the repair work with proper care and patience. I hope you can achieve your goal. thank you

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