Muslim baby boy names with meaning letter z

In this post 300+ Muslim baby boy names with meaning letter z will be listed. If you are trying to find out Muslim baby boy names with meaning letter z  , you are in right place. Besides, you will also learn Muslim baby boy names starting with z in Urdu. Whoever wants Muslim baby boy names with meaning letter z find here.
Content List: Muslim baby boy names with meaning letter z 
  • Muslim baby boy names with meaning letter z
  • Muslim baby boy names with z
  • Muslim baby boy names starting with z in Urdu
  • Unique Muslim baby names starting with z
  • Modern Muslim baby names starting with z
  • Muslim baby boy Arabic names starting with z
  • Muslim baby boy double names starting with z
  • Hindu baby boy names starting with z in Muslim
  • Muslim names for baby boy starting with z
  • Muslim boy names beginning with z
  • New baby boy names starting with z
  • Baby boy names starting with z in Muslim

Muslim baby boy names with meaning letter z

Here are 100 Muslim baby boy names with meaning letter z :
1. Zahir: Bright, shining
2. Zaid: Abundance, growth
3. Zain: Beautiful, handsome
4. Zaki: Pure, intelligent
5. Zakir: Rememberer, one who remembers Allah
6. Zameer: Conscience, heart
7. Zayan: Bright and graceful
8. Zayd: Abundance, growth
9. Zayed: Abundance, growth
10. Zayn: Beauty, grace
11. Zayyan: Adornment, beauty
12. Zeeshan: Dignity, pomp
13. Zia: Light, splendor
14. Ziad: Growth, increase
15. Ziyaad: Growth, increase
16. Zohaib: Leader, king
17. Zubair: Strong, powerful
18. Zulfiqar: Sword of Ali (a legendary sword)
19. Zuhair: Bright, radiant
20. Zulqarnain: Possessor of two horns
21. Zaahid: Ascetic, devout
22. Zaahir: Manifest, evident
23. Zameel: Companion, friend
24. Zamir: Conscience, heart
25. Zarrar: Striker, warrior
26. Zawar: Pilgrim
27. Ziauddin: Light of the faith
28. Ziyad: Growth, abundance
29. Ziyadullah: Increase of Allah
30. Zahid: Pious, ascetic
31. Zameen: Land, earth
32. Zarif: Elegant, graceful
Know more:
33. Zaidan: Abundance, growth
34. Zakiuddin: Pure of faith
35. Zariya: Means of getting closer to Allah
36. Zauq: Taste, flavor
37. Zaahiruddin: Evident in faith
38. Zafar: Victory, triumph
39. Zameeruddin: Conscience of faith
40. Zarkan: Pure gold
41. Zainuddin: Beauty of faith
42. Zakiullah: Pure of Allah
43. Zameerul Islam: Conscience of Islam
44. Zafeer: Successful, victorious
45. Zaahiduddin: Ascetic in faith
46. Zaman: Time, age
47. Zafran: Saffron
48. Zaheeruddin: Brightness of faith
49. Zayanul Islam: Brightness of Islam
50. Ziadul Islam: Growth of Islam
51. Zakiul Islam: Purity of Islam
52. Zahran: Blossoming, flourishing
53. Zayid: Increase, abundance
54. Zahirul Islam: Evident in Islam
55. Zamil: Friend, comrade
56. Zaydullah: Increase of Allah
57. Ziaur Rahman: Light of the Most Gracious
58. Zaidullah: Abundance from Allah
59. Zulfaqar: Name of the sword of Imam Ali
60. Zahirul Haq: Evident of the Truth
61. Zohair: Blossoming, radiant
62. Zubayr: Strong and brave
63. Zulfiqar Ali: Sword of Ali
64. Zahranuddin: Blossoming in faith
65. Zakaullah: Pure and divine
66. Ziyadul Haq: Increase in the Truth
67. Zohaibullah: King of Allah
68. Zaigham: Lion, brave
69. Zaynul Abidin: Beauty of the worshippers
70. Zawaruddin: Pilgrim in faith
71. Zahranul Islam: Blossoming in Islam
72. Zari: Golden
73. Ziyadul Rahman: Increase of the Most Gracious
74. Zafeeruddin: Successful in faith
75. Zahidul Islam: Pious in Islam
76. Zaidanullah: Growth from Allah
77. Zami: Friend, helper
78. Zunair: Light, radiant
79. Zayanuddin: Grace of faith
80. Zaahidul Haq: Ascetic of the Truth
81. Zakiur Rahman: Pure of the Most Gracious
82. Zarrarul Haq: Warrior of the Truth
83. Zuhayr: Brilliant, radiant
84. Ziyadul Iman: Increase in faith
85. Zaidul Haq: Abundance in the Truth
86. Zaheerul Islam: Brightness in Islam
87. Zainul Abidin: Beauty of the worshippers
88. Zameerul Haq: Conscience of the Truth
89. Zainullah: Beauty from Allah
90. Ziyadul Haq: Growth in the Truth
91. Zahranul Haq: Blossoming in the Truth
92. Zahi: Shining, radiant
93. Zayyad: Pious, righteous
94. Zaydanul Islam: Growth in Islam
95. Zawwar: Pilgrim, devotee
96. Zahidullah: Devoutness from Allah
97. Zakiul Haq: Purity of the Truth
98. Zulfiqar Haider: Sword of Ali, brave
99. Zafeerul Haq: Successful in the Truth
100. Zahidul Haq: Piousness in the Truth
These are just a few examples of Muslim baby boy names starting with the letter “Z.” I hope you find a name you like for your little one! These are 100 Muslim baby boy names with meaning letter z.

Muslim baby boy names with z – Muslim baby boy names with meaning letter z

Here are 50+ Muslim baby boy names with z :
1. Zabi – Brilliant
2. Zafar – Victory
3. Zafir – Victorious
4. Zahid – Devout
5. Zahil – Calm
6. Zahir – Bright, shining
7. Zaid – Increase, growth
8. Zaigham – Lion
9. Zain – Beauty, grace
10. Zainul – Ornament of the world
11. Zakariya – Prophet’s name (Zechariah)
12. Zaki – Pure
13. Zameer – Conscience
14. Zamir – Heartfelt
15. Zayan – Bright and graceful
16. Zayd – Growth, abundance
17. Zayn – Beauty, grace
18. Zeeshan – Dignity
19. Ziad – Increase, growth
20. Zikri – Remembrance
21. Ziyaad – Increase, growth
22. Ziyaan – Brightness, grace
23. Zohaib – Leader, king
24. Zohair – Blossoming flower
25. Zubair – Strong, powerful
26. Zubeir – Bright, radiant
27. Zubin – To honor
28. Zubair – Strong, powerful
29. Zulfiqar – Sword of Ali
30. Zulqarnain – Possessor of two horns
31. Zulfi – Pure
32. Zafiruddin – Victorious in religion
33. Zafirullah – Victory from Allah
34. Zaheeruddin – Brightness of the faith
35. Zahiduddin – Devout in the faith
36. Zahiruddin – Brightness of the faith
37. Zainuddin – Beauty of the faith
38. Zakiruddin – Remembering the faith
39. Zakiuddin – Purity of the faith
40. Zayanuddin – Brightness of the faith
41. Ziauddin – Light of the faith
42. Ziyaullah – Radiance from Allah
43. Zohaibuddin – Leader of the faith
44. Zohairuddin – Blossoming flower of the faith
45. Zubairuddin – Strong in the faith
46. Zulfiqaruddin – Sword of the faith
47. Zafran – Saffron
48. Zafreen – Victorious, triumphant
49. Zaheer – Bright, shining
50. Zahirul – Evident, manifest – Muslim baby boy names with meaning letter z
51. Zaidan – Abundance
52. Zainul Abidin – Ornament of the worshippers
53. Zakariyya – Prophet’s name (Zechariah)
Know more:
54. Zakwan – Intuitive
55. Zaman – Time, era
56. Zameel – Companion
57. Zamil – Friend, companion
58. Zayan – Bright, radiant
59. Zaydul – Growth and advancement
60. Zeeshanullah – Dignity from Allah
61. Zia – Light, splendor
62. Ziaur – Radiant, luminous
63. Ziya – Splendor, light
64. Ziyadat – Increase, growth
65. Ziyadullah – Increase from Allah
66. Zoheb – Gold
67. Zorawar – Brave
68. Zuberi – Strong
69. Zulaym – Tranquil
70. Zulfikar – Sword of Ali
71. Zuriel – God is my rock
72. Zahirul Islam – Evident in Islam
73. Zahoor – Expression, appearance
74. Zainul Aabidin – Ornament of the worshippers
75. Zakir – Rememberer of Allah
76. Zaydan – Abundance, growth
77. Zaynul Abidin – Ornament of the worshippers
78. Ziauddeen – Light of the faith
79. Zikraan – Remembrance
80. Zishan – Good appearance
81. Ziyadul Islam – Increase in Islam
82. Zaamin – Surety, guarantee
83. Zaeem – Leader
84. Zafer – Victory
85. Zaffar – Victorious
86. Zahavi – Golden
87. Zahoorul Islam – Expression of Islam
88. Zahirul Haq – Evident of the truth
89. Zakiul Islam – Pure in Islam
90. Zameerul Islam – Conscience of Islam
91. Zardad – Commander
92. Zaydanul Islam – Growth in Islam
93. Zeenat – Beauty, adornment
94. Zeshan – Good appearance
95. Ziadul Haq – Increase of the truth
96. Ziaul Haq – Light of the truth
97. Zikranul Islam – Remembrance of Islam
98. Ziyaadul Haq – Increase in the truth
99. Zohaibul Islam – Leader of Islam
100. Zulfiqarul Haq – Sword of the truth
These are just a few examples of Muslim baby boy names starting with the letter “Z.” There are many more beautiful names to choose from!

Muslim baby boy names starting with z in Urdu – Muslim baby boy names with meaning letter z

Here are 50 Here are 50+ Muslim baby boy names starting with z in Urdu::
1. Zafar – Victory
2. Zain – Beautiful, handsome
3. Zahir – Bright, shining
4. Zaki – Pure, virtuous
5. Zayan – Bright, graceful
6. Zia – Light, splendor
7. Zohaib – Leader, king
8. Zainul – Goodness of the religion
9. Zulfiqar – Sword of Ali (a legendary sword)
10. Zulqarnain – Possessor of two horns (a title of Alexander the Great)
11. Zaman – Time, era
12. Zahid – Devout, ascetic
13. Zakiullah – Pure servant of Allah
14. Zaman – Time, age
15. Zameer – Conscience
16. Ziad – Enthusiast, fervent
17. Zainuddin – Beautiful religion
18. Zafir – Victorious
19. Zahidullah – Devout servant of Allah
20. Zaheeruddin – Brightness of the religion
21. Zakiul Islam – Pure in Islam
22. Ziyaad – Increase, growth
23. Ziyadullah – Increase of Allah
24. Zafarullah – Victory of Allah
25. Zahoor – Appearance, manifestation
26. Zakiul Haq – Pure truth
27. Zameeruddin – Conscience of the religion
28. Zawar – Pilgrim
29. Ziyadul Islam – Growth of Islam
30. Zaheer – Bright, radiant
31. Zulfaqar – Sword of Ali (a legendary sword)
32. Ziyad – Superabundance, plenty
33. Zahidul Islam – Devout of Islam
34. Zakiul Uloom – Pure in knowledge
35. Zulqarnain – Possessor of two horns (a title of Alexander the Great)
36. Zakiul Huda – Pure guidance
37. Zaim – Leader, chief
38. Zoha – Light, splendor
39. Zayd – Increase, growth
40. Zulfi – Lock of hair
41. Zahirul Islam – Brightness of Islam
42. Zahidul Haq – Devout truth
43. Zawwar – Pilgrim
44. Zainullah – Beautiful servant of Allah
45. Zafarul Islam – Victory of Islam
46. Zahran – Blossoming, flowering
47. Zainul Abidin – Ornament of the worshippers
48. Zaheerul Islam – Radiance of Islam
49. Zawad – Provision
50. Zayyan – Beautiful, graceful
51. Zulqadar – Full moon
52. Zuhair – Bright, shining
53. Zahirul Haq – Brightness of truth
54. Ziadul Haq – Increase of truth
55. Zameel – Companion, friend
56. Zafirul Islam – Victor of Islam
57. Zahidullah – Devoutness of Allah
58. Zakiullah – Pure servant of Allah
59. Ziaul Islam – Light of Islam
60. Zainul Aabidin – Ornament of the worshippers
61. Zakiul Abedin – Pure in worship
62. Zaryaan – Charming
63. Zakiul Haq – Pure truth
64. Zaeem – Responsible, leader
65. Zafiruddin – Victory of the religion
66. Zahed – Ascetic, abstinent
67. Zulqadar – Moon of power
68. Zohair – Bestower of life
69. Zamanuddin – Time of the religion
70. Zafeer – Successful, victorious
71. Ziyadul Haq – Growth of truth
72. Zaidan – Growth, abundance
73. Ziyadullah – Increase of Allah
74. Zainul Haq – Ornament of truth
75. Zahirul Abedin – Brightness of worship
76. Zafer – Victory
77. Zaidullah – Growth of Allah
78. Ziyadul Uloom – Growth of knowledge
79. Zahedul Haq – Ascetic of truth
80. Ziyadul Abedin – Growth of worship
81. Zawawi – One who is born to succeed
82. Zohran – Brightness, radiant
83. Zafirul Haq – Victor of truth
84. Zulqadar – Moon of strength
85. Zameem – Coordinator, organizer
86. Zahedul Islam – Devout of Islam
87. Zaydul Islam – Increase of Islam
88. Zulfaqar – Sword of Ali (a legendary sword)
89. Zaidul Haq – Growth of truth
90. Ziyadul Huda – Growth of guidance
91. Zahiruddin – Brightness of the religion
92. Zakiul Islam – Pure in Islam
93. Ziyaad – Increase, growth
94. Zameeruddin – Conscience of the religion
95. Zohaibullah – Leader of Allah
96. Zakiuddin – Pure of the religion
97. Zainul Huda – Ornament of guidance
98. Zawaruddin – Pilgrim of the religion
99. Ziadul Islam – Increase of Islam
100. Zahooruddin – Appearance of the religion
These are just a few examples of Muslim baby boy names starting with the letter “Z.” Remember to choose a name that has a positive meaning and resonates with you and your family.

Unique Muslim baby names starting with z

Here are 100 Unique Muslim baby names starting with z:
1. Zain: Beautiful, handsome
2. Zakariya: Prophet’s name (Zachariah)
3. Zayn: Grace, beauty
4. Zaid: Increase, growth
5. Zafar: Victory
6. Ziyad: Growth, increase
7. Zohaib: Leader, king
8. Zayyan: Beautifier
9. Zoha: Light, brilliance
10. Zaki: Pure, virtuous
11. Zahid: Devout, ascetic
12. Zameer: Conscience
13. Zaheer: Bright, shining
14. Zaigham: Lion, brave
15. Zia: Light, splendor
16. Zubair: Strong, powerful
17. Zohaib: Beautiful, radiant
18. Zahir: Manifest, evident
19. Zulfiqar: Name of the Prophet Muhammad’s sword
20. Zafer: Victory
21. Zayan: Bright, intelligent
22. Zohaib: Beautiful, radiant
23. Zaidan: Growth, progress
24. Zainul Abidin: Ornament of the worshippers
25. Zafir: Victorious
26. Zakiullah: Pure of Allah
27. Zafran: Saffron
28. Zaydullah: Increase of Allah
29. Zafeer: Victorious, successful
30. Zuhayr: Bright, shining
31. Zahoor: Appearance, manifestation
32. Zabi: Ocean, sea
33. Zaidin: Strength, firmness
34. Zuhayl: Brightness of day
35. Zarrar: Courageous, strong
36. Zawar: Pilgrim
37. Zafreen: Victorious, successful
38. Zainullah: Beautiful of Allah
39. Zahidullah: Ascetic of Allah
Know more:
40. Zafarullah: Victory of Allah
41. Zaim: Leader, chief
42. Zahran: Blossoming, flourishing
43. Zulqarnain: Possessor of two horns
44. Ziauddin: Light of the faith
45. Zaydan: Growth, increase
46. Zaidi: Abundance, prosperity
47. Zarin: Gold
48. Ziaur Rahman: Light of the Most Gracious
49. Zahidur Rahman: Ascetic of the Most Gracious
50. Zafar Iqbal: Victorious intellect
51. Zakiur Rahman: Pure of the Most Gracious
52. Zakiul Islam: Pure of Islam
53. Zaahidul Islam: Devout of Islam
54. Zohaib Ahmed: Beautiful and radiant, praiseworthy
55. Zahoor Ahmed: Manifestation of praise
56. Ziaul Haq: Light of the Truth
57. Zaheer Ahmed: Bright and shining, praiseworthy
58. Zulfiqar Ali: Sword of Ali
59. Zahidul Haq: Ascetic of the Truth
60. Zafar Ali: Victorious and exalted
61. Zahirul Islam: Evident of Islam
62. Zahidul Islam: Ascetic of Islam
63. Zakiul Haq: Pure of the Truth
64. Zaahidur Rahman: Devout of the Most Gracious
65. Zulfikar Ali: Sword of Ali
66. Zayan Ahmed: Bright and intelligent, praiseworthy
67. Ziaul Islam:Light of Islam
68. Zahidul Haq: Ascetic of the Truth
69. Zainul Abid: Ornament of the worshippers
70. Zahidullah: Ascetic of Allah
71. Zafirul Haq: Victorious of the Truth
72. Zuhayr Ahmed: Brightness of the Most Praiseworthy
73. Zakiur Haq: Pure of the Truth
74. Zohaib Hussain: Beautiful and radiant, praiseworthy
75. Zulfiqar Abbas: Sword of Abbas
76. Zahidul Haq: Ascetic of the Truth
77. Zaahidur Rahman: Devout of the Most Gracious
78. Zahirul Islam: Evident of Islam
79. Ziaul Haq: Light of the Truth
80. Zaheer Ahmed: Bright and shining, praiseworthy
81. Zakiul Islam: Pure of Islam
82. Zahoor Ahmed: Manifestation of praise
83. Zafar Ali: Victorious and exalted
84. Zainul Abidin: Ornament of the worshippers
85. Zahidullah: Ascetic of Allah
86. Zaydullah: Increase of Allah
87. Zahirul Haq: Evident of the Truth
88. Zakiur Rahman: Pure of the Most Gracious
89. Zulfiqar Ali: Sword of Ali
90. Zahidul Haq: Ascetic of the Truth
91. Zafar Ali: Victorious and exalted
92. Zainul Abid: Ornament of the worshippers
93. Zahirul Islam: Evident of Islam
94. Zahidul Islam: Ascetic of Islam
95. Zakiul Haq: Pure of the Truth
96. Zafarul Haq: Victorious of the Truth
97. Zohaib Ahmed: Beautiful and radiant, praiseworthy
98. Zahoor Ahmed: Manifestation of praise
99. Ziaul Islam: Light of Islam
100. Zaheer Ahmed: Bright and shining, praiseworthy
These are just a few examples of Muslim baby boy names starting with the letter “Z” and their meanings. Remember to choose a name that holds personal significance for you and your family.

Modern Muslim baby names starting with z

Here are 40 Modern Muslim baby names starting with z:
1. Zafir – Victorious
2. Zahir – Bright, Shining
3. Zahran – Blossoming, Radiant
4. Zaid – Increase, Growth
5. Zain – Beautiful, Handsome
6. Zakariya – Prophet’s name (Zechariah)
7. Zameer – Conscience
8. Zamir – Songbird
9. Zayan – Bright, Ornamented
10. Zayd – Growth, Abundance
11. Ziya – Light, Glow
12. Zohaib – Leader
13. Zubair – Strong, Brave
14. Zuhair – Radiant, Shining
15. Zainul – Adornment of the Faith
16. Zaheer – Bright, Luminous
17. Zaki – Pure, Intelligent
18. Zikri – One who remembers Allah
19. Ziyaad – Growth, Increase
20. Zulfikar – Sword of Ali (Name of a famous sword)
21. Zayan – Bright, Shining
22. Zaviyar – Brave, Courageous
23. Zayyan – Beautiful, Graceful
24. Zaynul – Beautiful
25. Zainuddin – Beautiful faith
26. Zafarullah – Victory from Allah
27. Zahid – Devout, Ascetic
28. Zainulabidin – Ornament of the worshippers
29. Zakiullah – Pure of Allah
30. Zakir – Remembering Allah
31. Ziyad – Growth, Increase
32. Zulfiqar – Sword of Ali
33. Zariya – Source, Path
34. Zayan – Bright, Radiant
35. Zaman – Time, Age
36. Ziad – Abundance, Growth
37. Zuhayr – Bright, Radiant
38. Zafer – Victory
39. Zahirul – Bright
40. Zaydan – Abundance
41. Zahidullah – Devout worshipper of Allah
42. Zakiul – Pure
43. Zainuddeen – Beautiful faith
44. Zakaria – Prophet’s name (Zechariah)
45. Zakiulhaq – Pure of truth
46. Zuhayra – Blossoming, Flourishing
47. Zafar – Victory
48. Zainal – Adornment
49. Ziyaan – Beauty, Adornment
50. Zaryan – Bright, Radiant
51. Ziaur – Radiance of Allah
52. Zulkifli – One who walks fast
53. Zaahid – Abstemious, Ascetic
54. Zameel – Companion
55. Zafeer – Triumphant, Successful
56. Zaydullah – Abundance from Allah
57. Zahil – Eminent, Noble
58. Zainudin – Beautiful religion
59. Zakhir – Bright, Shining
60. Zuhayb – Bright
61. Zoha – Light, Morning
62. Zaryab – Rich, Wealthy
63. Zuhayb – Excellent, Intelligent
64. Zafran – Saffron
65. Zaim – Leader, Chief
66. Zafreen – Victorious, Triumphant
67. Zakiy – Pure, Pious
68. Zahoor – Manifestation, Appearance
69. Zimran – Praise, Song
70. Zafeen – Trustworthy
71. Zaidan – Growth, Progress
72. Zahirul – Radiant
73. Zaimullah – Leader of Allah
74. Zari – Golden
75. Zayba – Adornment
76. Zafaran – Saffron
77. Ziyadullah – Growth of Allah
78. Zaidullah – Growth from Allah
79. Zahiruddin – Radiance of faith
80. Zahoorul – Manifestation of the truth
81. Zikra – Remembrance
82. Zaidan – Growth, Increase
83. Zufar – Victory, Triumph
84. Zaa’im – Responsible, Promising
85. Zaheen – Intelligent, Ingenious
86. Zulf – Adornment
87. Zayyan – Bright, Beautiful
88. Zainalabidin – Ornament of the worshippers
89. Zaimul – Leader
90. Zuhail – Gentle, Intelligent
91. Zaryan – Successful, Accomplished
92. Zohaib – Leader, King
93. Zahidul – Devout, Ascetic
94. Zafeer – Successful, Triumphant
95. Zainuddin – Ornament of the faith
96. Zakariyya – Prophet’s name (Zechariah)
97. Zaydul – Growth, Abundance
98. Zahirul – Luminous, Eminent
99. Zakiyullah – Pure of Allah
100. Zulfaquar – Sword of Ali
Please note that the meanings provided are general interpretations and can vary based on cultural and regional contexts.

Muslim baby boy Arabic names starting with z

Here are 100 Muslim baby boy Arabic names starting with z :
1. Zafar – Victory
2. Zain – Beautiful, handsome
3. Zakariya – Prophet’s name (Zechariah)
4. Zayan – Bright and graceful
5. Zaid – Growth, abundance
6. Zohaib – Leader, king
7. Zoha – Morning light
8. Zayd – Prosperous
9. Zaki – Pure, virtuous
10. Ziyad – Increase, abundance
11. Zulfiqar – Sword of Imam Ali
12. Zahir – Shining, radiant
13. Zahid – Devout, ascetic
14. Zaheer – Bright, shining
15. Zafer – Victorious
16. Zafir – Successful
17. Zaman – Time, age
18. Zayyan – Ornamented, beautified
19. Zaidan – Growth, abundance
20. Zahran – Blossoming, flowering
21. Zaynul – Adornment of Allah
22. Zaidin – Growth, increase
23. Zayyad – Abundant, increasing
24. Zuhayr – Bright, shining
25. Zulqarnain – Possessor of two horns
26. Zaytun – Olive
27. Zayyan – Graceful, handsome
28. Zulfaqar – Sword of Imam Ali
29. Zulfikar – Sword with a split blade
30. Zahran – Blooming, radiant
31. Zainul – Beautiful, handsome
32. Zahran – Blossoming, radiant
33. Zuhayr – Radiant, shining – Muslim baby boy names with meaning letter z
34. Zaki – Pure, virtuous
35. Zawar – Pilgrim, visitor of holy places
36. Zohaib – Leader, king
37. Zahin – Intelligent, wise
38. Zayyad – Increasing, abundant
39. Zafeer – Victorious, successful
40. Zayyid – Abundant, increasing
41. Zabir – Consoler, comforter
42. Zaim – Leader, chief
43. Zahirul – Bright, shining
44. Ziyad – Growth, increase
45. Zikri – One who remembers Allah
46. Zayan – Bright and graceful
47. Zafeer – Successful, triumphant
48. Zirwaan – Brave, courageous
49. Ziauddin – Splendor of the faith
50. Zamil – Friend, companion
51. Zubayr – Strong, firm
52. Zakiuddin – Pure faith
53. Zufar – Victory, triumph
54. Zuhair – Bright, radiant
55. Zohaib – King, leader
56. Zainal – Beauty, grace
57. Ziaul – Splendor of Allah
58. Ziyad – Abundance, growth
59. Zaidi – Growth, abundance
60. Zahran – Blossom, radiant
61. Zawawi – Full of life
62. Zayyir – Radiant, shining
63. Zafri – Joyful, happy
64. Zaynuddin – Ornament of the faith
65. Zaakir – Remembering, mindful
66. Zuhdi – Ascetic, self-denying
67. Zimrak – Saffron
68. Ziyaam – Honor, respect
69. Zulfikar – Sword of Imam Ali
70. Zahiruddin – Brightness of the faith
71. Zaini – Beautiful, handsome
72. Zawir – Friendly, kind
Know more:
73. Zaidi – Prosperous, fortunate
74. Zaheeri – Radiant, shining
75. Zayid – Abundant, increasing
76. Zariq – Shining, sparkling
77. Ziyadat – Growth, increase
78. Zuhdi – Devout, ascetic
79. Zufar – Victory, triumph
80. Zuhairi – Bright, radiant
81. Zawawi – Lively, spirited
82. Zakiuddin – Pure faith
83. Zayyir – Radiant, shining
84. Zafri – Joyful, happy
85. Zaynuddin – Ornament of the faith
86. Zaakir – Remembering, mindful
87. Zuhdi – Ascetic, self-denying
88. Zimrak – Saffron
89. Ziyaam – Honor, respect
90. Zulfikar – Sword of Imam Ali
91. Zahiruddin – Brightness of the faith
92. Zaini – Beautiful, handsome
93. Zawir – Friendly, kind – Muslim baby boy names with meaning letter z
94. Zaidi – Prosperous, fortunate
95. Zaheeri – Radiant, shining
96. Zayid – Abundant, increasing
97. Zariq – Shining, sparkling
98. Ziyadat – Growth, increase
99. Zuhairi – Bright, radiant
100. Zawawi – Lively, spirited
These are just a few examples of Muslim baby boy names starting with the letter “Z” and their meanings. There are many more beautiful names to choose from.

Muslim baby boy double names starting with z

Here are 60+ Muslim baby boy double names starting with z  :
1. Zain-Zahid: Beautiful and self-restrained
2. Zahir-Zafar: Manifest and victorious
3. Zaki-Zameer: Pure and intelligent
4. Zayd-Zubair: Growth and strong
5. Zain-Zafar: Beautiful and victorious
6. Zayan-Zafir: Bright and successful
7. Zahid-Zuhair: Devout and radiant
8. Zaki-Zayyan: Pure and graceful
9. Zahir-Zaki: Manifest and pure
10. Zayd-Zia: Growth and light
11. Zafar-Zubair: Victorious and strong
12. Zain-Zafir: Beautiful and successful
13. Zayan-Zaid: Bright and abundance
14. Zahid-Zayyan: Devout and graceful
15. Zaki-Zia: Pure and light
16. Zahir-Zunair: Manifest and radiant
17. Zayd-Zayan: Growth and bright
18. Zafar-Zubair: Victorious and strong
19. Zain-Zarif: Beautiful and elegant
20. Zayan-Zayd: Bright and growth
21. Zahid-Zakir: Devout and remembering
22. Zaki-Zaheer: Pure and shining
23. Zahir-Zakariya: Manifest and remembered by Allah
24. Zayd-Zayan: Growth and bright
25. Zafar-Zubair: Victorious and strong
26. Zain-Zarif: Beautiful and elegant
27. Zayan-Zayd: Bright and growth
28. Zahid-Zakir: Devout and remembering
29. Zaki-Zaheer: Pure and shining
30. Zahir-Zakariya: Manifest and remembered by Allah
31. Zayd-Zayan: Growth and bright – Muslim baby boy names with meaning letter z
32. Zafar-Zubair: Victorious and strong
33. Zain-Zarif: Beautiful and elegant
34. Zayan-Zayd: Bright and growth
35. Zahid-Zakir: Devout and remembering
36. Zaki-Zaheer: Pure and shining
37. Zahir-Zakariya: Manifest and remembered by Allah
38. Zayd-Zayan: Growth and bright
39. Zafar-Zubair: Victorious and strong
40. Zain-Zarif: Beautiful and elegant
41. Zayan-Zayd: Bright and growth
42. Zahid-Zakir: Devout and remembering
43. Zaki-Zaheer: Pure and shining
44. Zahir-Zakariya: Manifest and remembered by Allah
45. Zayd-Zayan: Growth and bright
46. Zafar-Zubair: Victorious and strong
47. Zain-Zarif: Beautiful and elegant
48. Zayan-Zayd: Bright and growth
49. Zahid-Zakir: Devout and remembering
50. Zaki-Zaheer: Pure and shining
51. Zahir-Zakariya: Manifest and remembered by Allah
52. Zayd-Zayan: Growth and bright
53. Zafar-Zubair: Victorious and strong
54. Zain-Zarif: Beautiful and elegant
55. Zayan-Zayd: Bright and growth
56. Zahid-Zakir: Devout and remembering
57. Zaki-Zaheer: Pure and shining
58. Zahir-Zakariya: Manifest and remembered by Allah
59. Zayd-Zayan: Growth and bright
60. Zafar-Zubair: Victorious and strong
61. Zain-Zarif: Beautiful and elegant
62. Zayan-Zayd: Bright and growth
63. Zahid-Zakir: Devout and remembering
64. Zaki-Zaheer: Pure and shining
65. Zahir-Zakariya: Manifest and remembered by Allah
66. Zayd-Zayan: Growth and bright
67. Zafar-Zubair: Victorious and strong
68. Zain-Zarif: Beautiful and elegant
69. Zayan-Zayd: Bright and growth
70. Zahid-Zakir: Devout and remembering
71. Zaki-Zaheer: Pure and shining
72. Zahir-Zakariya: Manifest and remembered by Allah
73. Zayd-Zayan: Growth and bright
74. Zafar-Zubair: Victorious and strong
75. Zain-Zarif: Beautiful and elegant
76. Zayan-Zayd: Bright and growth
77. Zahid-Zakir: Devout and remembering
78. Zaki-Zaheer: Pure and shining
79. Zahir-Zakariya: Manifest and remembered by Allah
80. Zayd-Zayan: Growth and bright
81. Zafar-Zubair: Victorious and strong
82. Zain-Zarif: Beautiful and elegant
83. Zayan-Zayd: Bright and growth
84. Zahid-Zakir: Devout and remembering
85. Zaki-Zaheer: Pure and shining
86. Zahir-Zakariya: Manifest and remembered by Allah
87. Zayd-Zayan: Growth and bright
88. Zafar-Zubair: Victorious and strong
89. Zain-Zarif: Beautiful and elegant
90. Zayan-Zayd: Bright and growth
91. Zahid-Zakir: Devout and remembering
92. Zaki-Zaheer: Pure and shining
93. Zahir-Zakariya: Manifest and remembered by Allah
94. Zayd-Zayan: Growth and bright
95. Zafar-Zubair: Victorious and strong
96. Zain-Zarif: Beautiful and elegant
97. Zayan-Zayd: Bright and growth
98. Zahid-Zakir: Devout and remembering
99. Zaki-Zaheer: Pure and shining
100. Zahir-Zakariya: Manifest and remembered by Allah
Please note that the meanings provided are approximate and can vary depending on different interpretations.

Hindu baby boy names starting with z in Muslim

Here are 100 Hindu baby boy names starting with z in Muslim:
1. Zaafir – Victorious
2. Zaahir – Bright, shining
3. Zabir – Consoler
4. Zahir – Manifest, evident
5. Zakir – Rememberer of Allah
6. Zalak – Instant appearance
7. Zameer – Conscience
8. Zamir – Handsome
9. Zankar – Harmonious sound
10. Zayd – Growth, abundance
11. Zayan – Bright, beautiful
12. Zaydah – Superabundance
13. Zayn – Beauty, grace
14. Zeeshan – Distinguished, illustrious
15. Zehaan – Intelligent
16. Zenith – Highest point
17. Zephyr – Gentle breeze
18. Zeshan – Good-looking
19. Zeven – Beautiful, radiant
20. Zia – Light, splendor
21. Zinat – Ornament, beauty
22. Zion – Signifies heaven
23. Zirak – Intelligent, capable
24. Zishan – Pompous, glorious
25. Ziven – Full of life
26. Zohaib – Leader, ruler
27. Zorawar – Powerful
28. Zulfiqar – Sword of Ali (name of Prophet Muhammad’s sword)
29. Zulqarnain – Possessor of two horns (name of a prophet)
30. Zunaid – Add meaningfully, present
31. Zyaan – Decoration, beauty
32. Zyrah – Rising sun
33. Zain – Beauty, grace
34. Zair – Pilgrim
35. Zaydali – Lion of God
36. Zaheeruddin – Brightness of the religion (Islam)
37. Zaigham – Lion, ruler
38. Zaidan – Growth, progress
39. Zail – Island
40. Zaka – Intelligent, sharp
41. Zameel – Companion
42. Zamindar – Landowner
43. Zanjeer – Chain
44. Zarnish – God’s gold
45. Zashil – Skillful
46. Zeal – Enthusiasm, passion
47. Zeehan – Brightness
48. Zeenal – Intelligent, bright
49. Zephyrus – God of the west wind
50. Ziaul – Light of God
51. Zidaan – Growth, increase
52. Zilesh – The moon
53. Zimran – Song, singer
54. Zish – Fresh, lively
55. Zivaan – Full of life
56. Ziyad – Increase, abundance
57. Zohaan – Gift of God
58. Zoheb – Gold
59. Zoraiz – Brightness, dawn
60. Zorion – Happiness
61. Zoyan – Alive, full of life
62. Zuber – Strong, powerful
63. Zubin – Spear
64. Zubair – Strong, powerful
65. Zubayr – Small piece of iron, lion’s name
66. Zuhair – Bright, shining
67. Zuhayr – Sparkling, radiant
68. Zuheir – Bright, shining
69. Zuhr – Forenoon
70. Zuhur – Flowers, blossoms
71. Zulfi – Curling hair
72. Zulkifl – Name of a prophet
73. Zunair – Light of dawn
74. Zurel – Bear cub
75. Zuyyin – Adorned, attractive
76. Zvika – Victorious
77. Zviad – Gift of God
78. Zvyagintsev – Seagull
79. Zylen – Beautiful, handsome
80. Zyron – Powerful, strong
81. Zyvaan – Alive, energetic
82. Zaydan – Growth, progress
83. Zaheer – Bright, shining
84. Zaiden – Growth, progress
85. Zaman – Time, age
86. Zamin – Land, earth
87. Zamiruddin – Mindful of religion (Islam)
88. Zayan – Beauty, grace
89. Zayd – Growth, abundance
90. Zayn – Beauty, grace
91. Zeeshan – Distinguished, illustrious
92. Zehan – Intelligent, bright
93. Zen – Meditation
94. Zephyrus – God of the west wind
95. Zesiro – Sweet voice
96. Zidane – Growth, abundance
97. Zihan – Ornament, decoration
98. Zimran – Song, singer
99. Zirak – Intelligent, capable
100. Zoravar – Powerful, mighty
Remember to consult with Muslim scholars or experts to ensure the appropriateness and acceptability of these names within the Muslim community.

Muslim names for baby boy starting with z

Here are 50 Muslim names for baby boy starting with z :
1. Zaid: Increase, growth
2. Zain: Beautiful, handsome
3. Zayn: Beauty, grace
4. Zakariya: The name of a prophet (Zechariah)
5. Zahid: Devout, ascetic
6. Zafar: Victory
7. Zahir: Bright, shining
8. Zaki: Pure, intelligent
9. Zameer: Conscience
10. Zaheer: Helper, supporter
11. Zafir: Victorious
12. Zayan: Bright, radiant
13. Ziyad: Growth, increase
14. Zuhair: Bright, shining
15. Zayan: Intelligent, wise
16. Zubair: Strong, powerful
Know more:
17. Ziyad: Superabundance
18. Zayd: Abundance, growth
19. Zaki: Pure, virtuous
20. Zulfiqar: The name of Prophet Muhammad’s sword
21. Zafar: Triumph, victory
22. Zafer: Victory
23. Zahi: Beautiful, radiant
24. Zaki: Intelligent, sharp
25. Zahid: Pious, self-denying
26. Zayyan: Beautiful, attractive
27. Zameer: Heart, conscience
28. Zafeer: Successful
29. Zia: Light, splendor
30. Zaidan: Abundance, growth
31. Zaki: Bright, intelligent
32. Zahran: Blossoming, flowering
33. Zumar: Groups, crowds
34. Zaid: Growth, abundance
35. Zaynul-Abidin: Ornament of the worshippers
36. Ziyad: Increase, abundance
37. Zahir: Evident, apparent
38. Zaki: Pure, chaste
39. Zainul-Abidin: Ornament of the worshippers
40. Zulqarnain: The name of a king mentioned in the Quran
41. Zayyan: Adornment, beauty
42. Zohaib: Leader, king
43. Zulfikar: Sword of Imam Ali
44. Zaki: Smart, clever
45. Zahoor: Appearance, manifestation
46. Zahi: Bright, luminous
47. Zainul-Abidin: Beauty of the worshippers
48. Zawar: Pilgrim
49. Zuhayr: Brilliant, radiant
50. Zaid: Abundance, growth
51. Zahir: Manifest, evident
52. Zainullah: Beautiful gift from Allah
53. Zaheer: Luminous, shining
54. Zaki: Pure, virtuous
55. Zameer: Heart, conscience
56. Zafar: Victory, triumph
57. Zia: Light, brilliance
58. Zayan: Intelligent, sharp
59. Zubayr: Strong, powerful
60. Zikrullah: Remembrance of Allah
61. Zohaib: Leader, ruler
62. Zulfiqar: Sword of Imam Ali
63. Zainullah: Beautiful gift from Allah
64. Zaki: Pure, chaste
65. Zohair: Bright, shining
66. Zaidan: Growth, progress
67. Zahi: Beautiful, radiant
68. Ziyad: Increase, abundance
69. Zainul-Abidin: Ornament of worshippers
70. Zohaib: Leader, king
71. Zahid: Devout, ascetic
72. Zafar: Victory, triumph
73. Zaki: Pure, virtuous
74. Zahir: Bright, shining
75. Zainullah: Beautiful gift from Allah
76. Zaheer: Luminous, radiant
77. Zameer: Heart, conscience
78. Zafir: Victorious, successful
79. Ziyad: Growth, increase
80. Zubayr: Strong, powerful
81. Zayn: Beauty, grace
82. Zainul-Abidin: Ornament of worshippers
83. Zikrullah: Remembrance of Allah
84. Zahoor: Appearance, manifestation
85. Zohaib: Leader, ruler
86. Zulfiqar: Sword of Imam Ali
87. Zainullah: Beautiful gift from Allah
88. Zahir: Bright, shining
89. Zaki: Pure, virtuous
90. Zayd: Increase, growth
91. Zafar: Victory, triumph
92. Ziyad: Growth, abundance
93. Zaki: Intelligent, sharp
94. Zahir: Evident, visible
95. Zayan: Bright, radiant
96. Zameer: Heart, conscience
97. Zahid: Pious, ascetic
98. Zayyan: Beautiful, attractive
99. Zafir: Successful, victorious
100. Zulkifli: The name of a prophet (Zul-Kifl)
Please note that the meanings provided are general interpretations and can vary depending on cultural and regional contexts.

Muslim boy names beginning with z

Here are 50 Muslim boy names beginning with z :
1. Zaid: Growth, abundance
2. Zain: Beautiful, handsome
3. Zakariya: Prophet’s name (Zechariah)
4. Zahir: Bright, shining
5. Zafar: Victory
6. Zaki: Pure, virtuous
7. Zayan: Bright, graceful
8. Zameer: Conscience, mind
9. Zaheer: Helper, supporter
10. Zainul Abidin: Ornament of the worshipers (a title of Imam Sajjad)
11. Zahid: Devout, ascetic
12. Zaigham: Lion
13. Zakiyy: Pure, intelligent
14. Zayd: Growth, abundance
15. Zakiullah: Pure servant of Allah
16. Ziyaad: Abundance, growth
17. Zafir: Victorious
18. Zainuddin: Ornament of religion
19. Zayyan: Bright, radiant
20. Zahran: Blossoming, flowering
21. Zulfiqar: Sword of Ali
22. Zia: Light
23. Zawar: Pilgrim
24. Ziyad: Abundance, growth
25. Zabir: Consoler, comforter
26. Zaidan: Growth, increase
27. Zahiruddin: Helper of the religion
28. Zahranuddin: Blossoming religion
29. Ziyaan: Adornment, beauty
30. Zulfikar: Sword of Ali
31. Zafur: Lion
32. Zameel: Companion, friend
33. Zakiy: Pure, virtuous
34. Zakiyuddin: Pure religion
35. Zaynul Abidin: Beauty of the worshipers (a title of Imam Sajjad)
36. Zaheeruddin: Helper of the religion
37. Zahirul Islam: Shining of Islam
38. Zabih: Sacrifice
39. Zahoor: Appearance
40. Zakiyullah: Pure servant of Allah
41. Zidan: Growth, increase
42. Zufar: Victorious
43. Zaidin: Growth, increase
44. Zuhair: Bright, shining
45. Zahiduddin: Devout in religion
46. Zafer: Victory
47. Zaviyar: Brave, strong
48. Zayaan: Bright, radiant
49. Ziya: Light, glow
50. Zauq: Taste, liking
51. Zaydullah: Abundance from Allah
52. Zahidul Islam: Devout of Islam
53. Zakiyul Islam: Pure of Islam
54. Zawwar: Pilgrim, visitor
55. Zayad: Superabundance
56. Zair: Visitor, pilgrim
57. Zahi: Shining, radiant
58. Zaferan: Saffron
59. Zawwaruddin: Visitor of religion
60. Zayyan: Adornment, beauty
61. Zaidullah: Increase from Allah
62. Zahidul Haq: Devout of truth
63. Zakiyur Rahman: Pure servant of the Most Gracious
64. Zayid: Growth, increase
65. Zahur: Appearance, manifestation
66. Zabiruddin: Consoler of religion
67. Zakiyur Islam: Pure of Islam
68. Zaurak: A bright star
69. Zayyanuddin: Adornment of religion
70. Zahiyya: Radiant, shining
71. Zakiyur Rasheed: Pure servant of the Guide
72. Zamil: Companion, friend
73. Ziyadul Islam: Growth of Islam
74. Zahidur Rahman: Devout of the Most Gracious
75. Zakiyur Rahman: Pure servant of the Most Gracious
76. Zawwad: Provision, supply
77. Zaydul Islam: Increase of Islam
78. Zahoorul Haq: Appearance of truth
79. Zaynuddin: Beauty of religion
80. Zahiyy: Radiant, shining
81. Zakiyur Rasool: Pure servant of the Messenger
82. Zuhayr: Bright, radiant
83. Zaynur Rahman: Beauty from the Most Gracious
84. Zabirul Islam: Consoler of Islam
85. Zahidul Haque: Devout of the Truth
86. Zawahir: Appearances
87. Ziyadullah: Growth from Allah
88. Zuhayrul Haq: Brightness of truth
89. Zawwadul Islam: Provider of Islam
90. Ziyadur Rahman: Growth of the Most Gracious
91. Zahidul Haqq: Devout of the Truth
92. Zaydan: Growth, increase
93. Zaynur Rasool: Beauty from the Messenger
94. Zabirul Haq: Consoler of truth
95. Zawaruddin: Visitor of religion
96. Zahidul Huda: Devout of guidance
97. Zayyanur Rahman: Adornment from the Most Gracious
98. Zahidul Haque: Devout of the Truth
99. Zabirul Huda: Consoler of guidance
100. Zawwadul Haq: Provider of truth
These are just a few examples of Muslim baby boy names starting with “Z.” Remember to consult with family members and consider cultural preferences when choosing a name for your child.

New baby boy names starting with z

Congratulations on the new baby boy! Here are 50 new baby boy names starting with z:
1. Zafir – Victorious
2. Zayd – Abundance, growth
3. Zahir – Bright, shining
4. Zaki – Pure, intelligent
5. Zayan – Beautiful, graceful
6. Zahid – Devout, ascetic
7. Zaid – Growth, increase
8. Ziyad – Enlargement, abundance
9. Zahiruddin – Brightness of the faith
10. Ziyaduddin – Increase of the faith
11. Zaheer – Helper, supporter
12. Zafar – Victory
13. Zameer – Conscience, mind
14. Zohair – Blossoming flower
15. Zayyan – Adornment, beautifier
16. Zaidan – Growth, progress
17. Zakiuddin – Purity of the faith
18. Zafiruddin – Victory of the faith
19. Ziya – Light, splendor
20. Zohaib – Leader, king
21. Zayyanuddin – Adornment of the faith
22. Zulfiqar – Sword of Imam Ali (a famous Muslim historical figure)
23. Zain – Beauty, grace
24. Zubair – Strong, courageous
25. Zainuddin – Beauty of the faith
26. Zuhair – Intelligent, bright
27. Ziyaad – Generosity, abundance
28. Zaynul Abidin – Ornament of the worshippers
29. Zaidullah – Growth of Allah
30. Zahirul Islam – Evident in Islam
31. Zaheeruddin – Helper of the faith
32. Zahidullah – Devotee of Allah
33. Zakiul Islam – Pure in Islam
34. Zulqarnain – Possessor of two horns
35. Zaydullah – Growth from Allah
36. Zohairuddin – Blossoming light of the faith
37. Ziyaullah – Light of Allah
38. Zakiul Haq – Pure in truth
39. Zafirul Haq – Victorious in truth
40. Zahirul Haq – Evident in truth
41. Zaynul Haq – Beauty of truth
42. Zubairuddin – Strong in faith
43. Zaynuddin – Beauty of faith
44. Zaidul Haq – Growth in truth
45. Ziyaaduddin – Generosity of the faith
46. Ziyadullah – Increase from Allah
47. Zakiul Rahman – Pure in mercy
48. Zafirul Rahman – Victorious in mercy
49. Zahirul Rahman – Evident in mercy
50. Zaynul Rahman – Beauty of mercy
51. Zahidul Haq – Devout in truth
52. Zakiul Amin – Pure in trustworthiness
53. Zafirul Amin – Victorious in trustworthiness
54. Zahirul Amin – Evident in trustworthiness
55. Zaynul Amin: The Beauty of trustworthiness
56. Zahidul Islam: Devout in Islam
57. Zakiul Hadi: Pure in guidance
58. Zafirul Hadi: Victorious in guidance
59. Zahirul Hadi: Evident in guidance
60. Zaynul Hadi: The Beauty of guidance
61. Zayyanul Islam—Adornment of Islam

Baby boy names starting with z in Muslim

Here are 50 Baby boy names starting with z in Muslim:
1. Zaid: Increase, growth
2. Zain: Beauty, adornment
3. Zakariya: Prophet’s name, variant of Zechariah
4. Zayn: Grace, beauty
5. Zafar: Victory
6. Ziyad: Increase, abundance
7. Zahir: Bright, shining
8. Zulfiqar: Sword of Ali
9. Zahid: Ascetic, devout
10. Zaheer: Bright, shining
11. Zohaib: Leader, king
12. Zeeshan: Dignity, elegance
13. Zubair: Strong, brave
14. Zayan: Ornamented, beautified
15. Zoha: Morning light
16. Zulqarnain: Possessor of two horns
17. Zafir: Victorious
18. Zaki: Pure, intelligent
19. Zohaib: King, ruler
20. Zayan: Bright and graceful
21. Zulfi: Strong
22. Zameer: Conscience
23. Zawar: Pilgrim
24. Zayan: Beautiful, hospitable
25. Zariya: Means of achieving something
26. Ziyad: Growth, increase
27. Zafer: Victory
28. Zaki: Intelligent, pure
29. Zulfikar: Name of the sword of Imam Ali
30. Zuhair: Bright, radiant
31. Zaman: Time, age
32. Zayyan: Graceful, adorned
33. Zaman: Period, era
34. Zayan: Bright and radiant
35. Zikri: Remembrance of Allah
36. Zimal: Capable
37. Ziyaad: Abundance, increase
38. Zimran: Song, praise
39. Zia: Light, splendor
40. Zeshan: Distinguished
41. Ziauddin: Splendor of the religion
42. Zabir: Consoler, one who consoles
43. Zulaykha: Beautiful, brilliant
44. Zafeer: Successful
45. Zul: Shadow, shade
46. Zafarullah: Victory of Allah
47. Zohaib: King of kings
48. Zainul Abidin: Ornament of the worshippers
49. Zaidan: Growth, abundance
50. Zahiruddin: Brightness of the faith
51. Zaheeruddin: Brightness of the faith
52. Zaraq: Bright, shining
53. Zimrani: Song, melody
54. Zeyad: Growth, progress
55. Zainul Islam: Ornament of Islam
56. Zakiuddin: Pure of faith
57. Zalmay: Calm, peaceful
58. Zakiul Haq: Pure truth
59. Zulfiqar Ali: Sword of Ali
60. Zohaib: Radiant, shining
61. Zikar: Remembrance of Allah
62. Zumar: Lion
63. Zahoor: Appearance, manifestation
64. Zakiuddin: Pure of faith
65. Zalmai: Youthful, young
66. Zulqarnain: Possessor of two horns
67. Zaman: Age, era
68. Zuberi: Strong, powerful
69. Zaeem: Leader, chief
70. Zarrar: A bird’s name
71. Zakiul Islam: Pure of Islam
Please note that the meanings provided are general interpretations and may vary in different contexts and cultures.

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