Muslim baby boy names with meaning letter w

Want to keep the Islamic name of the child? But because you don’t know the meaning of Islamic names for boys, you can’t decide which name to keep? Then in today’s post you will find 500+ Islamic baby boy names starting with letter “W” with meaning.

But what is the delay in naming the child? Let’s have a look at the list of Muslim baby boy names that start with the letter “W”-

Table of Contents: muslim baby boy names with meaning letter w

  • muslim baby boy names with w
  • muslim baby boy names starting with w in urdu
  • unique muslim baby boy names starting with w
  • modern muslim baby boy names starting with w
  • muslim baby boy arabic names starting with w
  • muslim baby boy double names starting with w
  • hindu baby boy names starting with w in muslim
  • muslim names for baby boy starting with w
  • muslim boy names beginning with w
  • new muslim baby boy names starting with w
  • baby boy names starting with w in muslim
  • Conclusion

muslim baby boy names with w

Here we have compiled a list of Muslim baby boy names starting with the letter “W”. Let’s have a look at that list of names-

  • Waahid -Name Meaning- Peerless
  • Wahab -Name Meaning- Giving
  • Wasim Akram -Name Meaning- Handsome person with great dignity
  • Wasim Mahmood -Name Meaning- Admirably handsome
  • Wafi -Name Meaning- Someone who is faithful
  • Wabl -Name Meaning- Resembles rain
  • Wahb -Name Meaning- Gift
  • Wahi -Name Meaning- Another name for the Quran
  • Waali -Name Meaning- The ruler
  • Waasif -Name Meaning- Describing
  • Wais -Name Meaning- The night wanderer
  • Waiz -Name Meaning- The admonisher
  • Waasey -Name Meaning- All embracing
  • Waasifah -Name Meaning- Describing
  • Wali -Name Meaning- The governor
  • Waseem -Name Meaning- Handsome
  • Wakil Uddin -Name Meaning- Representative of Deen
  • Waliuddin -Name Meaning- The supporter of faith
  • Waseeq -Name Meaning- Someone who is strong
  • Walliy Ullah -Name Meaning- God’s supporter
  • Waasilah -Name Meaning- Joining
  • Wahidul Islam -Name Meaning- Incomparable to Islam
  • Wisaam -Name Meaning- Communion in love
  • Wisam -Name Meaning- A badge of honour
  • Wasimul-Bari -Name Meaning- Handsome distributor
  • Wazed -Name Meaning- Name of Allah
  • Wais Qarni -Name Meaning- Name of a famous Oli

muslim baby boy names starting with w in urdu

Let’s have a look at the list of Muslim baby boy names starting with “W” in Urdu below-








Love, Affection






Faithfulness, Fidelity



Seeking Shelter, Protect, Rescue



Faithful, Loyal, Whole, Complete



Another name for God, Faithful



Gift, Inherent, Giving Donation



Another name for the Quran







واویلا کرنا


Night Wanderer



The Deiverer, Admonisher



State of being Single, Ecstasy



In Charge, Master, Supporter



One who Returns to God






Distinguished Looking



All embracing




















unique muslim baby boy names starting with w

We can follow Quran or Hadith to give Islamic name. But, it will take some time to find a good name this way. So for your convenience we have compiled a list of unique Muslim baby boy names starting with “W”. Let’s go through the list-

  • Wafiyy -Meaning of the name- Loyal
  • Wahib -Meaning of the name- Donor
  • Wahid -Meaning of the name- Unique
  • Wajib -Meaning of the name- Compulsory
  • Wali -Meaning of the name- Governor, Protector
  • Waliuddin -Meaning of the name- Supporter of the Faith
  • Walliy Ullah -Meaning of the name- Supporter of God
  • Wamiq -Meaning of the name- Friendly
  • Waqar -Meaning of the name- Dignity
  • Waqaar -Meaning of the name- Self-respect
  • Waqid -Meaning of the name- Brilliant
  • Warith -Meaning of the name- Long Lived
  • Waseem -Meaning of the name- Handsome
  • Waseeq -Meaning of the name- Strong
  • Wasif -Meaning of the name- One who Praises
  • Waasifah -Meaning of the name- Describing
  • Waasil -Meaning of the name- Joined, Connected
  • Waasilah -Meaning of the name- Joining, Connecting
  • Wasim -Meaning of the name- Handsome
  • Wasimuddin -Meaning of the name- Handsome Person
  • Waathiq -Meaning of the name- Firm, Binding, Confident
  • Wazin -Meaning of the name- Comparer
  • Waasiq -Meaning of the name- Confident, Sure, Strong
  • Wazir -Meaning of the name- Minister
  • Wid -Meaning of the name- Wide, Affection Love, Harmony
  • Wilan -Meaning of the name- Friendship, Affection
  • Wildan -Meaning of the name- Boy in Heaven
  • Wisaam -Meaning of the name- Communion in Love
  • Wisam -Meaning of the name- Badge of Honour
  • Wissam -Meaning of the name- Order
  • Witr -Meaning of the name- Another name for God, Unequalled

modern muslim baby boy names starting with w

Aqeeqah is to be done 7 days after the birth of a baby. An Islamic name is to be given for the Muslim baby while performing the aqeeqah. Just putting a name won’t do. We must know the meaning of that name. So here we have prepared for you a list of modern Muslim baby boy names that start with “W”-

  • Waqas -Bangla meaning of name- Solider, Warrior, Warlike, Combatant
  • Waqar -Bangla meaning of name- Dignity, Sobriety, Majesty, Veneration, Dignity, Gracefulness
  • Ward -Bangla meaning of name- Guard
  • Waseem -Bangla meaning of name- Graceful, Handsome, Good Looking
  • Wasim -Bangla meaning of name- Handsome
  • Waleed -Bangla meaning of name- Newborn Child
  • Wahab -Bangla meaning of name- Servant of the Bestower, Bestowed, This attribute of Allah(SWT)
  • Waris -Bangla meaning of name- Deserved
  • Wasif -Bangla meaning of name- The Definition
  • Wali -Bangla meaning of name- Governor, Lord
  • Wahid -Bangla meaning of name- Singular, Unequalled
  • Wajahat -Bangla meaning of name- Commanding, Personality, Dignity, Respect, Esteem. Credit
  • Wajid -Bangla meaning of name- One Who Finds (Origin Arabic)
  • Walid -Bangla meaning of name- Newborn Child
  • Waheed -Bangla meaning of name- Unique, Single, Exclusively, Unequalled
  • Wasi -Bangla meaning of name- Bequest What Happen
  • Wahaj -Bangla meaning of name- Light, Is Very Bright
  • Wisal -Bangla meaning of name- Communion In Love
  • Wajib -Bangla meaning of name- Compulsory, at the necessary
  • Wazir -Bangla meaning of name- Minister, Vizier
  • Wasiq -Bangla meaning of name- Irrevocable, strong
  • Wamiq -Bangla meaning of name- Loving, Friendly
  • Wafi -Bangla meaning of name- Faithful, Loyal
  • Wase -Bangla meaning of name- Wide Spacious
  • Wasil -Bangla meaning of name- Inseparable Friend
  • Wajih -Bangla meaning of name- Noble, Eminent
  • Wakeel -Bangla meaning of name- Agent, Representative
  • Wail -Bangla meaning of name- In Sindhi meaning is : Returner
  • Wajeeh -Bangla meaning of name- Variant Of Wajih: Notable, Eminent, Noble

muslim baby boy arabic names starting with w

Here is a list of Muslim baby boy Arabic names starting with “W”-

  • Warid -Bangla meaning of name- Messenger, Incoming
  • Wilayat -Bangla meaning of name- Power, State
  • Wahib -Bangla meaning of name- Liberal Donor
  • Wadood -Bangla meaning of name- Friendly, Loving
  • Waahid -Bangla meaning of name- Single; Exclusively; Unequaled
  • Wahdat -Bangla meaning of name- Unity, Loneliness
  • Wasi’ -Bangla meaning of name- Wide, Spacious
  • Wafiq -Bangla meaning of name- Successful
  • Wahhaj -Bangla meaning of name- Glowing, Sparkling
  • Wahhab -Bangla meaning of name- One of the ninety-nine names of God; munificent
  • Walayat -Bangla meaning of name- Emirate
Wasf -Bangla meaning of name- Wonderful character

muslim baby boy double names starting with w

Many parents want an Islamic name with “W” for their child. But, they don’t find beautiful Islamic names with meaning. So let’s take a look at Muslim baby boy double names with meanings starting with “W”-

  • Wadee’ Rahman -Name Meaning- Variant Of Wadi’: Calm, Peaceful
  • Wa’il akbar -Name Meaning- Coming Back (for Shelter)
  • Waathiq Iqbal-Name Meaning- Variant Of Wathiq: Confident, Strong
  • Waqam sheikh -Name Meaning- Swords
  • Waqaar Ali -Name Meaning- Variant Of Waqar: Dignity, Sobriety
  • Wehdan Mahbub -Name Meaning- Single Deavely
  • Wariq Sorkar -Name Meaning- The beautiful leaves tree
  • Wafeeq Ali -Name Meaning- Variant Of Wafiq: Successful
  • Waa’il Abid -Name Meaning- Variant Of Wa’il: Coming Back (for Shelter)
  • Wa’iz Rahman -Name Meaning- Preacher, Advisor
  • Wedeed Habib -Name Meaning- Loving
  • Waliyuddin Mustafa -Name Meaning- Supporter Of The Faith
  • Wasat pramanik -Name Meaning- To Moderate
  • Waliyudeen Akbar -Name Meaning- Supporter of the Faith

hindu baby boy names starting with w in muslim

Here is a list of Hindu baby boy names that start with “W” in Muslim-

  • Wat -Name Meaning- People of Power
  • Wadi -Name Meaning- Peaceful
  • Wail -Name Meaning- eturner
  • Wali -Name Meaning- Governor
  • Wuar -Name Meaning- Fire
  • Wadee -Name Meaning- Calm
  • Wafiq -Name Meaning- Triumphant
  • Wafir -Name Meaning- Plenty
  • Wahab -Name Meaning- Gift; Large Hearted; Kind Hearted
  • Wahib -Name Meaning- Donor; Another name for the God
  • Wajid -Name Meaning- Inventor; One who Perceives
  • Wajih -Name Meaning- Notable; Eminent; Noble
  • Wajir -Name Meaning- Minister; Assistant
  • Wakil -Name Meaning- Warrior; Lawyer; Trustee
  • Walad -Name Meaning- Father
  • Walia -Name Meaning- A Most Beautiful Cast
  • Waman -Name Meaning- Short
  • Waqas -Name Meaning- Combatant; Warrior; Soldier
  • Waris -Name Meaning- Successor; Inheritor; Heir
  • Warsi -Name Meaning- Loveable
  • Warun -Name Meaning- Water
  • Wasan -Name Meaning- Short; Idol
  • Wazir -Name Meaning- Minister; Vizier; Helper
  • Widit -Name Meaning- Famous; Knowledge; Lord Indra
  • Winay -Name Meaning- Good Manners; Humble
  • Wiqar -Name Meaning- odesty; Dignity
  • Wirat -Name Meaning- Giant Big; Pure Man
  • Wishu -Name Meaning- Symbol of Love; Wish
  • Wisnu -Name Meaning- God of Preserver
  • Wridh -Name Meaning- Old
  • Wyaat -Name Meaning- Warrior
  • Waahid -Name Meaning- Single; Exclusively; Unequalled
  • Wafeeq -Name Meaning- Successful; Companion; Friend
  • Waheed -Name Meaning- Unique; Single; Exclusively
  • Wajeeh -Name Meaning- Notable; Eminent; Commanding
  • Walden -Name Meaning- From the Wooden Valley; Powerful
  • Waleed -Name Meaning- Newborn Child; Father
  • Walmik -Name Meaning- Indian Saint name
  • Wamika -Name Meaning- God
  • Waryam -Name Meaning- The Brave One
  • Wasant -Name Meaning- Spring Season
  • Wattan -Name Meaning- Country; Love for Country
  • Wedant -Name Meaning- Same as Vedanta
  • Walleed -Name Meaning- Name of Sahabi
  • Waraich -Name Meaning- Surname; Cast
  • Warwaha -Name Meaning- Cool Rock
  • Wedansh -Name Meaning- King
  • Wedyang -Name Meaning- Leader
  • Wiplove -Name Meaning- War
  • Wyconda -Name Meaning- Beautiful Stranger
  • Wajidali -Name Meaning- Obsessed
  • Wasantha -Name Meaning- Spring Season
  • Wasidali -Name Meaning- Engrossed

muslim names for baby boy starting with w

If you want Islamic names with meaning starting with “W” for your baby boy, you can check out the names below. Below you will find many Islamic names starting with “W” with meaning-

  • Waahdat -Islamic Name Meaning- Alone
  • Waae -Islamic Name Meaning- Protector
  • Waqif -Islamic Name Meaning- Informed, Aware
  • Waafer -Islamic Name Meaning- More
  • Wasit -Islamic Name Meaning- Alone
  • Waiz -Islamic Name Meaning- Preacher, Advisor
  • Wasay -Islamic Name Meaning- Wide
  • Wardan -Islamic Name Meaning- Obedient, Loyal, Follower
  • Wasfi -Islamic Name Meaning- One who is worthy of praise
  • Waseef -Islamic Name Meaning- Servant
  • Wasfa -Islamic Name Meaning- Definition
  • Wijaahat -Islamic Name Meaning- Beautiful
  • Werdaan -Islamic Name Meaning- Name Of A Famous Sahabi (R.A)
  • Waseel -Islamic Name Meaning- Companion
  • Wijdaan -Islamic Name Meaning- Knowing
  • Wijh -Islamic Name Meaning- By
  • Wiaqs -Islamic Name Meaning- Name Of A Companion Muhammad
  • Welaayat -Islamic Name Meaning- Helper
  • Werfaan -Islamic Name Meaning- Merciful
  • Warah -Islamic Name Meaning- Bright
  • Weraaq -Islamic Name Meaning- Paper
  • Wahdan -Islamic Name Meaning- Alone, Lone, Single, Lonely
  • Weraad -Islamic Name Meaning- Brave
  • Wijaah -Islamic Name Meaning- Curtains
  • Wiraaq -Islamic Name Meaning- Spring
  • Wilaaf -Islamic Name Meaning- Lover
  • Weryaam -Islamic Name Meaning- Waliullah
  • Werdet -Islamic Name Meaning- Rose Flower
  • Warad -Islamic Name Meaning- Saffron
  • Wasatat -Islamic Name Meaning- Source

muslim boy names beginning with w

Here is a list of Muslim boy names starting with “W”-

  • Wafaq -Name Meaning- Concord, Harmony, Unanimity
  • Wasalat -Name Meaning- Resource, Help, Support
  • Wasem -Name Meaning- Beautiful
  • Wawdad -Name Meaning- Brave
  • Waseet -Name Meaning- Judge
  • Wird -Name Meaning- Rose
  • Warood -Name Meaning- Enter, Rose Flower
  • Waqed -Name Meaning- Bright
  • Walil -Name Meaning- Fresh And Mellow, Lush, Happy
  • Walee -Name Meaning- Friend
  • Waseem Ali -Name Meaning- Graceful. Handsome. Good Looking

new muslim baby boy names starting with w

Below is the list of new Muslim baby boy names starting with “W”-

  • Waaiz -Name Meaning- Creator
  • Waseed -Name Meaning- Door
  • Wadid -Name Meaning- Lover
  • Waail -Name Meaning- Shelter
  • Wasaaq -Name Meaning- Contract
  • Wasaamah -Name Meaning- Beautiful
  • Waqar Ahmed -Name Meaning- Dignity, Sobriety, Majesty, Veneration, Dignity, Gracefulness.Praise Worthy, Noble, Commendable, Name Of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
  • Werqaa -Name Meaning- Wolf
  • Warfan -Name Meaning- Recommender
  • Washed -Name Meaning- pened
  • Washaakh -Name Meaning- Sword
  • Wasna-a -Name Meaning- Happy
  • Waseem Ahmed -Name Meaning- Graceful. Handsome
  • Wurdet -Name Meaning- Beautiful
  • Wazaah -Name Meaning- White
  • Wazilah -Name Meaning- Mirror
  • Wasee -Name Meaning- Wide, Spacious

baby boy names starting with w in muslim

When parents choose a name for a child, they name it with all the love. So, we have made this list below for you to choose the best beautiful and attractive name-

  • Wajad -Name Meaning- Condition
  • Wasaamat -Name Meaning- Beautiful
  • Waseem Hussain -Name Meaning- Graceful. Handsome. Good Looking.Good, Handsome, Beautiful
  • Wasaaf -Name Meaning- Testimonials
  • Wahb -Name Meaning- Giver
  • Waeed -Name Meaning- News
  • Wazee -Name Meaning- Servent
  • Wasaalat -Name Meaning- Relationship
  • Warqan -Name Meaning- Recommender
  • Wadin -Name Meaning- Wet
  • Wakeey -Name Meaning- Solid
  • Waani -Name Meaning- Complete
  • Washeeq -Name Meaning- Fast
  • Wayaas -Name Meaning- Bright
  • Waqaas -Name Meaning- Warrior
  • Wasoot -Name Meaning- Midd
  • Waqeey -Name Meaning- High
  • Waqqaar -Name Meaning- Comfort
  • Waqas Hussain -Name Meaning- Solider, Warrior, Warlike, CombatantGood, Handsome, Beautiful
  • Waali -Name Meaning- Friend
  • Wahaaj -Name Meaning- Bright
  • Waqas Ali -Name Meaning- Solider, Warrior, Warlike, CombatantCousin Brother of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U. H), Fourth caliph Ali ibn Abi Talib
  • Waqyaam -Name Meaning- Sword
  • Wamaq -Name Meaning- Lover
  • Waheed-Ul-Zamaan -Name Meaning- Alone
  • Wasout -Name Meaning- Midd
  • Wartaaj -Name Meaning- Sunflower
  • Waqaam -Name Meaning- Sword
  • Washaaq -Name Meaning- Servant
  • Waris Ali -Name Meaning- DeservedCousin Brother of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U. H), Fourth caliph Ali ibn Abi Talib


After the birth of the child in the world, the method used to address him is called the name. In other words, a person is called by a special word to distinguish him from other people, so name. And about keeping this name, too much importance has been given in Islam. In this post we have presented list of Muslim baby boy names starting with letter “W”. So that you can easily give a meaningful Islamic name for your child.

Dear reader, hope you have benefited a little from this post. So if you like the post then share it with your friends. Thanks 24352

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