How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes

If you want to know how to get rid of dark circles under your eyes, then this article is for you. Generally, dark circles reduce the beauty of the eyes. 

Dark spots under the eyes can be caused by many factors, including lack of adequate sleep, staying up late, genetic factors, and stress. It can loss our beauty

Dark spots under the eyes can be caused by many factors, including lack of adequate sleep, staying up late, genetic factors, and stress. Let’s know how to get rid of dark circles under the eyes.

Table of Contents 

1.How to remove dark circles under eyes permanently at home

2. How to remove dark circles under the eyes fast

3. How to remove dark circles under the eyes naturally in one week

4. The best treatment for dark circles.

5. What causes dark circles around the eyes in adults

6. Conclusion

How to remove dark circles under eyes permanently at home

The dark circles under our eyes diminish the beauty of our faces. These spots make you look older than you are. According to experts, dark spots under the eyes can be caused by excessive sun exposure, worry, fatigue, late-night sleeping habits, allergy problems, or too much or too little sleep. Let’s see how to remove dark circles under the eyes


Tomatoes are most effective in removing dark circles. It works to remove dark spots under the eyes in a natural way. Also, it leaves the skin soft and fresh. A few drops of lemon juice mixed with tomato juice give quick benefits.


The potato is also very useful to remove dark circles. A few drops of lemon should be mixed with potato juice. Applying this mixture to the eyes with the help of cotton will remove dark spots.


Using a cold tea bag removes dark circles quickly. The tea bag should be immersed in water for some time. Keep it in the fridge to cool. After a while, take it out and apply it gently to the eyes. If you do this for 10 minutes every day, you will get benefits.

04.Milk juice

Cold milk juice is very effective in removing dark spots under the eyes. Apply it under the eyes with the help of milky cotton. Do this twice a day for quick benefits. lemon

Orange peels should be dried in the sun and crushed. Applying this powder with a small amount of rose water to the eyes will remove dark circles.

06. curd

Yogurt is very effective in removing dark circles. Hydroxy acid in curd helps create new cells. Mixing honey and rose water together and applying it to the eyes will have good benefits.

07. Raw turmeric

Raw turmeric is always very important for skin care. Mix raw turmeric with coconut oil or almond oil, make a pack, and apply it under the eyes. It helps to remove dark spots.

08. Coffee powder 

Coffee powder plays a very important role in skin care. It is beneficial to mix coffee powder with honey to make a paste and apply it under the eyes.

09. Ice cubes 

It plays an important role in reducing dark circles under the eyes.

10. Multani Mati

Multani Mati is very important information for brightening, and applying it around the eyes two to three times a week has the potential to reduce dark spots.

Following the above steps to reduce dark circles at home is likely to yield good results. First of all, you should try to treat the dark circles. 

with home remedies instead of eye creams.

How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes fast

Dark spots can occur for various reasons, among which the common reason is that many times black spots can occur under the eyes due to lack of sleep. It also goes quickly. But if there is ink under the eyes even after sleeping properly, it is a matter of concern. People who are in the habit of reading glasses all the time can also get dark spots under their eyes. And if you have the habit of staying up night after night, it can become permanent. Let’s learn how to get rid of dark circles under the eyes quickly.

Use this cream under

Use eye cream under the eyes daily. It helps keep the skin under the eyes thin. As a result, dark spots do not fall easily under these eyes. Consult an expert before buying eye cream.

Use of serum

The serum is effective in removing dark spots under the eyes. According to experts, using an eye serum with a small amount of caffeine can help reduce dark circles under the eyes. Regular use of this serum reduces dark spots under the eyes. It will also reduce the dryness of the skin under the eyes.


Massage can solve many problems. This massage will also help to remove dark spots under the eyes. Regularly massage the undereye area with light hands. Continue to massage the cream around the eyes with your fingertips. This will make the skin very tight.

Eye cream with peptides

Eye creams with peptides are good for removing dark spots under the eyes. It not only reduces dark circles under the eyes but also reduces puffiness under the eyes. This is why it is important to use an eye cream containing this peptide.

Solution with a cold spoon

Keep a clean teaspoon in the refrigerator, and cool it well. Then take it out and lightly press it under the eyes for some time. Follow this method two to three days a week. It will reduce the dark spots under the eyes.

Enough Sleeping 

Dark spots under the eyes often occur due to a lack of sleep. So adults must sleep for 6 to 8 hours; it helps to remove dark circles under the eyes.

Many people try various ways to reduce dark circles. But it is not easily reduced many times. Seeking expert advice for a permanent solution would be most beneficial. But you also have to do some work. If you take care of yourself like this regularly, the dark spots under your eyes will be much lighter. Let’s know what to do to remove dark spots under the eyes.

How to remove dark circles under the eyes naturally in one week

Dark circles under the eyes are a common problem that almost everyone has. Many people feel uncomfortable due to the dark spots under the eyes, but it is possible to remove them. Below are the ways to quickly remove the dark circles under the eyes.

1. Keeping cold tea bags on the eyes gives good results for the dark circle problem. At least fifteen minutes should be kept regularly before going to bed at night.

2. Dip 2 cotton balls in cucumber juice and keep it on the eyes for at least 15 minutes. If you apply cucumber juice to your eyes regularly, you will get quick benefits.

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3. Apply potato peel paste or paste over the eyes and keep it for a while. Quick benefits will be available.

Mix cashew nuts with milk to make a paste and apply it around the eyes. It will also be beneficial.

Besides, massaging with almond oil around the eyes will also provide quick benefits.

Mix one teaspoon of tomato juice with one teaspoon of lemon juice and apply it under the eyes. Wash off with water after 10 minutes. Apply this pack at least twice a day.

4. Soak a cotton ball in cold milk and apply it to the eyes. Wash off with water after ten minutes. It will reduce eye puffiness and remove dark spots.

Mix two drops of glycerin with orange juice and apply it under the eyes. It removes dark spots as well as makes it brighter.

You can massage almond oil around the eyes before going to sleep at night. It will remove the dark spots on the eyes as well as tighten the skin around them.

It is important to eat enough vitamin-rich foods to get rid of dark spots. Foods rich in vitamin B-6 should be eaten in particular. Due to the lack of foods rich in B-6, these black spots or dark circles under the eyes are formed.

By adopting these methods, it is possible to get rid of dark circles very easily.

Best treatment for dark circles

Dark circles can be prevented only if you are consistent about them. Sometimes, some lifestyle changes are effective in treating dark circles. For example,

1.Eating healthy

2. Drink enough water.

3.Workout often

4. Get enough sleep

5. Limit screen time.

Many people do not go to the doctor for dark circles. They either accept the conditions or try to reduce them by experimenting with domestic means. These therapies do not necessarily eliminate dark circles.

A warm compress can reduce under-eye puffiness and shrink dilated blood vessels. The process can alleviate dark circles and reduce puffiness. You can also use ice tea bags, ice teaspoons, frozen motors, or ice wrapped in a washcloth.

Lack of sleep is the main cause of dark circles. If you get enough sleep, it will remove the dark circles caused by a lack of sleep.

Elevating the head with an extra pillow prevents puffiness under the eyes. It can also help reduce dark circles under the eyes.

Laser surgery for skin resurfacing and skin tightening

You can get treatment to reduce pigmentation 

Dark circles are curable with numerous home remedies and treatments.

Vitamin E is good for dark circles. Because it benefits the skin the most as a vitamin. Vitamin E is available in capsule, oil, and cream forms.

Also available for the treatment of dark circles are CO2 lasers, fractional lasers, pulsed lasers, and Q-switched lasers. Chemical agents such as glycolic acid, trichloroacetic acid, salicylic acid, lactic acid, or carbolic acids are also an option if you are wondering how to get rid of dark circles under your eyes.

What causes dark circles around the eyes in adults

Dark circles under the eyes are an embarrassing situation for many. Dark circles are caused by various reasons. Many people have this scar due to heredity. Some people wake up at night. Worrying can also cause dark spots under the eyes.

Once the stain is removed, the cause should be treated to remove the black stain. Dark circles under the eyes due to genetics do not go away easily. Apart from this, if there are scars due to other reasons, some procedures have to be followed in the treatment. In this case, blood is collected from the person’s body and centrifuged. For this, the serum is injected under the skin of the eye with a syringe. Local anesthesia cream is used to do this. This makes the whole process painless. This treatment shows an 80% cure for hereditary dark spots and a 100% cure for others.

Among other reasons, these are more common, such as excessive fatigue, night waking, fatigue, and excessive sleep, which cause ink or dark circles under the eyes. Lack of sleep makes the skin look pale and dull, creating puffiness under the eyes, which creates dark shadows under the eyes.

Allergies or dry eyes can also cause dark circles. Dark circles are normal in old age. If the eye makeup is not removed properly, it can lead to dark spots. So after applying makeup, you should clean your eyes properly.

According to various studies, there is a connection between dehydration and dark spots under the eyes. So drink enough water.

Rubbing the eyes causes inflammation of the skin and the formation of black spots.

The skin around the eyes is a bit sensitive and thin. Washing the eyes with hot water can cause pigmentation. It causes dark spots under the eyes. Apart from this, due to not using good products, black spots can also occur in the eyes. So, if you buy any product for eye use, make sure that it is of good quality.

Basically, these reasons do cause dark circles under the eyes. Eyes are a very sensitive area. We must take special care of our eyes.


Dark circles under our eyes spoil our beauty. Dark spots can occur under the eyes due to various reasons, which we have discussed above. As dark spots under the eyes are a common issue, there are solutions to get rid of them quickly. First of all, we should try to remove dark spots under the eyes by applying home remedies; if that does not work, then we must consult a doctor.

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