15 Natural home remedies for puffy eyes

Home remedies for puffy eyes 

We all try, more or less, to make ourselves look good. But due to various physical problems, many times our beauty is disturbed. Eye swelling is one of these problems. It makes us look older. This is a common thing, and it can be due to various reasons like allergies, lack of sleep, etc. Today, we will discuss home remedies for puffy eyes. Let’s find out.

1. Cold compress

A cold compress is the first thing you should try as a home remedy for puffy eyes. Take a clean cloth, put an ice cube in it, and wrap it gently around your eyes for 15-20 minutes. Hold it on the eyes for a while, then take a break and hold again.

2. Cucumber slices are applied

Cucumbers are famous for their cooling and anti-inflammatory properties. Take a cucumber and cut it into two slices. Close your eyes, and apply two slices of cucumber to both eyes. It will reduce puffiness and fatigue in your eyes.

3. Potato slices are applied

Potatoes have astringent properties. Cut the potato into 2 round pieces, close your eyes, apply it to both eyes, and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Potatoes work as a solution to a variety of eye problems, such as removing dark spots under the eyes, reducing eye puffiness, and so on.

4. Aloe vera gel

Aloe vera is one of the home remedies for eyes, and it works as a home remedy for various problems. Aloe vera is packed with antioxidants and vitamin E, which is great for reducing puffiness. Take a piece of fresh aloe vera, peel off one side of it, and apply fresh gel to the puffy area of your eye. Leave it for 10 minutes, then wash it off with clean water

5. Cold milk

Cold milk can help reduce puffiness in your eyes. Gently dip a cotton ball in cold milk and apply it to your eyes. Cool temperatures constrict blood vessels, and the fatty content of milk can soothe skin irritations

6. A cold spoon

Take two metal spoons and cool them in the fridge, then hold them in front of your eyes until they are warm. It helps to tighten the skin and reduce swelling

7. Egg whites

Egg whites can be a useful ingredient in eye-care remedies. Take two eggs, remove the yolk from them, and beat only the white part until it is stiff. The white part is a type of calcium that is beneficial for our body. Once the bit is done, you apply it under your eyes with a cotton pad or a thin brush. It tightens the skin and reduces swelling

8. Rose water

Rose water has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce redness and swelling. Take two pieces of cotton and soak them in a container with an equal amount of rose water for about 3–5 minutes. Then roll a piece of cotton over your eyes and keep it for 10–15 minutes.

9. Coconut oil

Rich in antioxidants and vitamin E, coconut oil helps reduce inflammation and can moisturize the delicate under-eye area. Before going to bed, massage a small amount of coconut oil under the eyes with two fingers.

10. Salt water

Many times, the water accumulates under the eyes, making them look swollen. A mild saltwater solution can help reduce swelling by drawing out excess fluid. Mix half a teaspoon of salt in one quart of warm water. Next, take two pieces of cotton, soak them in the solution, and apply two pieces of cotton under the eyes.

11. Witch hazel

Witch hazel is a natural astringent that can reduce swelling and soothe the skin. Apply witch hazel on a cotton pad and keep it on your eyes for 5–10 minutes.

12. Vitamin E oil

Vitamin E oil is known for its moisturizing and anti-inflammatory benefits. Combine a few drops of vitamin E oil with water, mix well, and lightly apply.

13. Hydration

Sometimes, dehydration can cause bloating. You drink plenty of water—at least 4 liters a day. If you live in a place where the temperature is very high, then the amount of water intake should also be increased.

14. Tea Bags

Tea bags can be a beneficial ingredient for your problem. Tea contains tannins and caffeine, which constrict blood vessels and can reduce swelling. After brewing, cool the tea bags in the fridge and place them over your eyes for 10–15 minutes.

15. Sleep and rest

Sleep and rest are the last home remedies for puffy eyes. As we age, we need an adequate amount of sleep. Many times, due to a lack of sleep, we have to face problems like puffiness under the eyes, dark spots appearing, etc. Make sure you get enough sleep and rest on a regular basis, and you will see results faster.

Puffiness under the eyes can be an annoying cause, but don’t panic; if you apply home remedies correctly, hopefully you will get your results very quickly and go back to your previous state.

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This post can help you learn more:

Home remedies for puffy eyes from allergies

Home remedies for puffy eyes from crying

Home remedies for puffy eyes due to sinus

Home remedies for puffy eyes from allergies

We have discussed above how we can get rid of puffiness under our eyes through home remedies. Now we will see the unique home remedies for puffy eyes from allergies. In fact, the main remedy for puffiness under the eyes due to allergies is to boycott allergenic foods. If you have allergies, do not eat foods that are harmful to you. You can also take the steps we’ve shown above, and we’re trying to introduce some new steps that will work as home remedies for puffiness under your eyes.

You can use turmeric paste. Turmeric is known for its powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. You take a small amount of turmeric powder and mix it with a few drops of water to make a paste, then apply it to your room and wash it off with clean water after 10 minutes. Baking soda can be another solution for you. Press it, apply it in the same process as turmeric powder paste, and wash it off. Pineapple juice

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Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain that reduces inflammation. Soak a cotton pad in fresh pineapple juice and place it over your eyes for 10 minutes. The natural acids and enzymes in pineapple can help reduce puffiness and rejuvenate the skin. You can use apple cider vinegar as a home remedy to reduce eye puffiness. Take one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and dilute it with water. Soak a cotton pad in the mixture, then place it on your eyes for 10 minutes. Be careful not to get it in your eyes, as it can cause irritation. All these steps will lead to your solution.

Home remedies for puffy eyes from crying

1. Manuka honey

Manuka honey has natural anti-inflammatory and hydrating properties that can soothe and reduce puffiness. Apply a thin layer of manuka honey around your eyes and leave it on for 10–15 minutes. Wash off with warm water. Honey will help reduce inflammation and moisturize the skin, making your eyes look fresh.

2. A mix of cold chamomile tea and yogurt

Chamomile tea is known for its soothing and anti-inflammatory properties, while yogurt contains probiotics and lactic acid that can help soothe and rejuvenate the skin. Make a cup of chamomile tea and let it cool. Mix two tablespoons of cold chamomile tea with one tablespoon of plain yogurt. Apply this mixture around your eyes and leave it for 10–15 minutes. Rinse with cold water. This unique combination will help reduce puffiness and refresh the skin around your eyes.

3. Egg whites

We discussed this earlier. You can learn from the above how to apply the nice swelling in your room. 

Not only will these few work as home remedies for your swollen eyes from crying, but every step we’ve shown is effective. You can, of course, mix and match the above home remedies.

Home remedies for puffy eyes due to sinus

Here are some home remedies for puffy eyes due to sinus problems:

1. Steam inhalation

Steam inhalation can help relieve sinus congestion, thereby reducing puffiness around the eyes. Boil water and pour it into a large pot. Lean over the bowl, cover your head with a towel, and inhale the steam for 10–15 minutes. Steam helps open nasal passages, relieve congestion, and reduce puffiness around the eyes.

2. Heat shrink

Soak a clean cloth in warm water. Then squeeze the cloth well, and once the excess water drains off, place the cloth over your face for 10–15 minutes. Warmth will help improve blood circulation, reduce sinus pressure, and relieve swelling.

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3. Facial massage

Gently massaging your face helps improve circulation and promote drainage of sinus fluid, which can reduce swelling. Using your fingertips, gently massage your forehead, temples, and the area around your nose and eyes in circular motions. It can help relieve sinus pressure and reduce puffiness around the eyes. For added benefits, use a few drops of essential oils like lavender or chamomile during the massage.


Puffiness under the eyes is normal and nothing to worry about. You just need to follow the home remedies for puffy eyes properly and be patient so that you can get rid of them at home. Hopefully, you will get your results very quickly. Home remedies include adequate sleep, hydration, ice packs, cucumber, etc., and every step will benefit you as they are tested. However, if you notice that the swelling of your eye is not normal or due to other reasons, and there are also serious symptoms, then we advise you to contact a professional doctor as soon as possible. thank you

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