14 Home remedies for watery eyes: Simple solutions for immediate relief

Home remedies for watery eyes

Eyes are a precious resource for us. It allows us to see everything in this beautiful world. It is our responsibility to protect our eyes. Many problems occur in our eyes due to various reasons; one of them is watery eyes. Today, we will learn about 14 effective home remedies for watery eyes. Let’s find out. But before that, it is better to know why this problem occurs. It is caused by allergies, infections, environmental factors, etc. Here are the home remedies:

1. Cold compress

First among the home remedies for watery eyes is a cold compress. It is very beneficial for your precious eyes. When applied, it can reduce eye inflammation and irritation. Take a clean piece of cloth and some ice. Next, wrap the ice pack in a cloth and gently apply it to the eyes. Take a break for 10–15 seconds, and then apply it again to complete the process.

2. Warm compresses

A warm compress can help unclog the tear ducts and relieve tears. Take a clean cloth and soak it in clean, warm water, then wring the cloth well to remove excess water, then place the cloth over your eyes for 10–15 minutes.

3. Cucumber slices

Take a cucumber, wash it well, and cut it into 2 slices, then keep it in your room for 10–15 minutes. Cucumber has a cooling effect that helps reduce eye irritation.

4. Tea bag

Consumed tea bags, especially green or black tea, can reduce puffiness and soothe watery eyes. Place a cold, used tea bag over your closed eyes for 10 minutes.

5. Rose water

Rose water can be a different step as a home remedy for watery eyes. Rose water is very beneficial for the eyes. Tears in the eyes can cause swelling or irritation, which is why rose water has anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce eye irritation. Take a small container of rose water and soak two clean cotton pieces in it for 10 minutes. Keep it on your eyes.

6. Aloe vera gel

Among home remedies, aloe vera gel solves almost all problems. Take a fresh aloe vera with the peel on one side, and apply fresh gel around your eyes. When it is dry, wash it off with clean water.

7. Honey

Honey has antibacterial properties that can help with eye infections. Take a bowl of lukewarm water, mix a few drops of honey, and use it as an eye wash.

8. Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea has anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe teary eyes. Make chamomile tea, let it cool, and use it as an eye wash or compress.

9. Blink frequently

Blinking frequently can help distribute tears evenly and prevent your eyes from watering too much. Make a conscious effort to blink more often, especially when looking at a screen.

10. Avoid mobile phones or computers

This is the most essential step in home remedies for watery eyes. We common people now spend more time on these devices, which are harmful to our eyes. And when our eyes water, they should be kept open because the rays coming from them can aggravate our problem.

11. Dust removal

At this point, your next step is to avoid dusty areas. Keep your used towel, or anything you use to wipe your face, clean. When going outside the house, wear glasses and keep them clean. Come outside and wash your face with clean water.

12. Avoid allergens

Identify and avoid allergens that may be causing your watery eyes. Common allergens include pollen, pet dander, and dust mites.

13. Stay hydrated

Drinking plenty of water keeps your body hydrated and can help maintain healthy tear production. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water a day.

14. Avoid makeup or creams

The last of the home remedies for watery eyes is to avoid makeup or daily creams. Avoid rubbing these things, as they can be more harmful to your eyes.

I hope these 14 home remedies for watery eyes solve your problem. You see them on a regular basis. But if your problem persists, consult a professional eye doctor as soon as possible.

This post can help you learn more:

Home remedies for watery eyes due to allergies 

Home remedies for watery eyes due to a cold

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Home remedies for watery eyes due to allergies 

Home remedies for watery eyes

We will learn about home remedies for watery eyes due to allergies. Home remedies for watery eyes that you can use regularly and more have been covered.

The main step in home remedies for watery eyes due to allergies is to avoid eating allergenic foods. Avoid any foods you are allergic to. The next thing you can do is consume honey, as it can help your body build immunity against local allergens. Drink a teaspoon of honey mixed with a glass of water every morning to reduce allergic reactions, including watery eyes. 

Similarly, you can use apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with a glass of water and drink it twice a day. It can help reduce mucus production and fight allergy symptoms. You can add butter to your diet. Butterbur is an herb known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-histamine properties. Taking butterbur extract may help reduce allergic reactions, including in the eyes. 

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To ensure it’s free of harmful alkaloids, be sure to use a butterbur supplement labeled “PA-free.” Consult your healthcare provider for an appropriate dosage. Finally, a home remedy for watery eyes is to mix an amount of raw turmeric in a glass of milk and drink it before going to bed at night, which can help reduce allergy symptoms, including watery eyes, as turmeric has strong anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties.

Home remedies for watery eyes due to a cold 

Home remedies for watery eyes due to a cold are given below.

Before that, here are some other tips that you can take in addition to all of the above-mentioned steps for home remedies for Janine’s tears that will benefit you.

Ginger tea with turmeric

Ginger and turmeric have anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties that can help fight cold symptoms. To make tea, boil fresh ginger slices and a teaspoon of turmeric powder in water for 10 minutes. Strain, add honey and lemon to taste, and drink twice daily to help reduce congestion and watery eyes.

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Onion compress

Onions contain sulfur compounds that help reduce inflammation and clear mucus. Cut an onion and put it in a cloth bag. Heat the bag slightly and place it on your eyes and sinuses for 10–15 minutes. Onion smoke can help clear nasal passages and reduce tearing.

Massage with peppermint oil

Peppermint oil contains menthol, which helps open nasal passages and relieve sinus pressure. Mix a few drops of peppermint oil with a carrier oil like coconut or olive oil and massage gently into your temples, around your nose, and under your eyes. It can help reduce congestion and tearing.

Avoid cold food

Avoid taking any extra-cold food. Keep yourself within the rules.


As a home remedy for watery eyes, if you follow the steps shown above with patience, your solution will come quickly. Remember not to be impatient or panic. You will get your remedy quickly. Remember, if your symptoms persist for a long time, consult a professional ophthalmologist.


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